
I know this devil, I'm in love, not even a Spark of Guilt. (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Friday, September 23, 2016, 13:48 (2823 days ago) @ dogcow

So, I just had to share this drop I got on Wednesday night...

The Devil You Know
Light: 343 (heh, punny)
TrueSight IS / SureShot IS / QuickDraw IS
Hammer Forged / Reinforced Barrel / Rifled Barrel
Third Eye

I'm in love with this thing. I loved my first Devil You Know with Luck in the Chamber & Perfect Balance, but all the range on this new one really helps out.

What's been your favorite drop since Tuesday?

Man. I have almost the same roll, but got Partial Refund instead of Rangefinder :(
Still pretty solid, though.


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