
Slowly dipping my toe in the water... (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, September 26, 2016, 16:45 (3072 days ago) @ EffortlessFury

What I meant by treat gear differently, I meant how should I prioritize storage, dismantle, etc. I rarely look at my vault and realized I have a bunch of low level blues from year 1, for example. I could use those as other characters but frankly the loot wheel turns relatively well at that level so perhaps its best not to waste the space that way?

Ah, OK. Yeah I definitely wouldn't worry about keeping old blues, unless you're starting those new characters RIGHT NOW. Not worth taking up vault space otherwise.

I think I JUST got the quest for the Legendary one. Neato. Thanks for the advice :)

Which class are you playing? Just curious which weapons you'd be looking at.

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