
Obtaining Artifacts >365 (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 18:32 (3071 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Heh - this is awesome advice, but I have to tell you - I've gotten 2 skeleton keys, total, after running about 30-40 strikes... and I'm sort of stuck at light level 355. So all this talk of 375+ is pretty funny stuff. ;)

I agree completely - the drop rate is too low (I've gotten 1 key as a drop after 30 or so). That's why I suggest that people hoard their keys (and Eris rep) for maximum benefit. At 355 light with a 355 artifact, you can still get artifacts to drop via the cryptarch by decoding legendaries up to 365. With your 355 artifact, the Vanguard, Crucible and your chosen Faction will award weapons, armor and ghosts up to about 363-364 before that artifact becomes an bottleneck that needs to be improved.

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