
Well, I Just Got Back Some Free Time. (Destiny)
And almost immediately, my Prison of Elders defense is moot.
As I state frequently, ammo is an extremely rare commodity for me. Even primary boxes are a rare blessing. If I'm going after a Taken Zealot in patrol, I literally have to get there early enough to use BOTH special and heavy syntheses, because not a single enemy I kill in the entire encounter(every single time) drops a single box of ammo. Never. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: You cannot adequately play this game living synthesis-to-synthesis.
So, I was always overjoyed, when in Prison of Elders, Variks' gift would(occasionally) drop a heavy ammo supply crate. I had the pleasure of a--finite--but reliable source of replenishing ammo, even just for one wave of one round--or maybe a 2nd wave if you fill up right before it disappears.
Another small flame of hope Bungie could not leave to flicker. As a result of another one of their classic trademark "Oh, We Forgot To Tell You" secret updates...
The heavy ammo crate in Prison of Elders is now single-use.
So that's 5 rockets, a clip and a half of machine gun bullets, or six sword swings.
For the entire game. 200+ enemies, and a bullet-sponge boss.
All that for 245s and 300s.
And trolls and griefers have even more power now, because if for one reason or another(dead, across the map, etc.)you can't get to that crate the millisecond it spawns, you're screwed!
Yeah, I'm done with Prison of Elders. I'm going to try one of the Year 1 Classics, see if they did the same thing there--I hope to god they didn't. I can at least find solace in an activity with elemental burns again. But from now on, it'll be just Challenge--IF the modifiers are desirable.
Dropping no ammo, granting players less heavy, and giving idiots more power to screw over their team even further.
Great thinking, Bungie.
Way to go, champ.
Complete thread:
- Well, I Just Got Back Some Free Time. -
2016-09-28, 17:23
- Prison of Elders was already terrible. -
2016-09-28, 17:53
- +1
- ProbablyLast, 2016-09-28, 17:57
- +1
- Wow, Year One Too. - Morpheus, 2016-09-29, 00:38
- Prison of Elders was already terrible. -
2016-09-28, 17:53