
Hours to Raid Readiness - For SCIENCE! RESULTS & AWARDS! (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Tuesday, October 04, 2016, 13:55 (3064 days ago) @ dogcow

Guardian       Hours   Light   Light/Hour
------------   -----   -----   -----------
CruelLEGACEY   26.09   365     1.149865849
Cyber-KN       26.14   369     1.3006886
DiscipleN2k*   47.13   368     0.700190961
DogCowMoof     16.65   357     1.321321321
Funkmon        17      364     1.705882353
PeaksUtah      29.22   366     1.06091718
ProbablyLast   23      364     1.260869565
Slycrel        13.52   353     1.331360947
squidnh3+      19.5    359     1.230769231
unoudid        30.43   369     1.117318436
Vortech        28.47   360     0.878117316

Average Light/Hour: 1.187027433

I had to remove Cody & MunKy as I didn't have good data on them.
* Disciple spent a lot of time just wandering & exploring.
+ Squid burned a lot of faction packages & exotic engrams to level up just before raiding.

Nothing really interesting came of this other than finding the average light per hour (up until the raid) is somewhere around 1.1-1.2 LPH.

Funkmon - Mario Andretti's Red-Lining Progression Award.
Disciple - Flash the Sloth's Award for smelling the roses.
Cruel - Gold 5's "Stay on Target" Award for hitting closest to the average.

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