Something strange going on with matchmaking (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Monday, October 10, 2016, 01:30 (3059 days ago)

Something weird is happening with matchmaking tonight. Every game is taking 3+ minutes to populate where they normally take < 1, and Im seeing an awful lot of the same names over and over. Also Im getting matched against people significantly above my skill levels, and they're all snipers.

Or invis shotgun hunters. But some people just want to watch the world burn.

Apart from being super frustrating, these higher numbers of snipers seem to show that when there aren't a dozen shotguns running around, snipers are in a pretty good place right now. Map flow feels good, they have a harder time killing you while being shot, but it's not impossible, etc etc. A lot of people have been bemoaning the death of their snipers, but it seems like in a skilled hand they're just as lethal.

The added bonus of course being that with so many snipers, I could have a primary duel without being ganked by a shotgun. Y'all remember primaries?

Aaaaanyway, this was really just a roundabout way to ask if anyone else is experiencing any matchmaking oddities.

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