
Cool. (Destiny)
Heh - the idea of actually IMPLEMENTING it is a little funny. We have enough trouble with the stuff we're already doing - adding another (time-critical, and order-critical) piece to the puzzle is gonna make a MESS. :) )
You ain't kidding. We're hesitant to discuss it when we have new folks in the group, since it's an added layer of complexity to an already-busy fight. Once you're actually doing it, it's far simpler than it sounds (for example, if Aksis goes Right, the Supercharge will either be in Left or Middle platform, and the runners have a few seconds to hit it) , but for the most part, simply getting the left/right/back thing down is as complicated as you want it to be for most groups, especially since Left and Right already have double duty as it is.
Definitely a game-changer in terms of DPS, though.
Complete thread:
- Supercharge Mechanic [Video] *RAID SPOILERS* -
2016-10-15, 17:38
- Supercharge Mechanic [Video] *RAID SPOILERS* - Korny, 2016-10-15, 18:06
- Cool. - Claude Errera, 2016-10-15, 18:11