
Not That I Have A Choice, But Yes. (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, October 15, 2016, 21:08 (3042 days ago) @ Xenos

So you're saying you'd rather play the activity you don't want to play because it gives a very small amount of extra light than an activity you enjoy? That sounds like a YOU problem more than anything (and my experience is completely different, I leveled up to 382 and have only done a handful of Heroic strikes, and only beaten the Raid once).

You're right, it is a ME problem--you've gotten to 382, sounds like without any major changes to your playstyle; Claude's got more Skeleton Keys than seemingly half of DBO combined; Avateur's got so much max light gear that it takes him 20 minutes to press X(ironically, both in the same thread) and I'm getting brightly colored rocks.

Also, your complaint about legendary is that they only go up by up to FOUR light?!? REALLY?!? What you want them to drop a 10 light increase on you? What game have you been playing the last 2+ years?

Yes, but four light in an average. I'd still have to get a legendary for every other part of my body and arsenal to help make any major difference--If I get one with four light, and IF I even get (more than) one Legendary at all.

Edit: Also, you basically just said in your reply that Heroic strikes are a terrible way to level up after saying in the previous post that they are the only way to level up, now you've just completely confused me.

Yeah--there's only one seemingly clear way to really level up, and that way is terrible.

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