
Who are our Guardians? (Destiny)
Even more so than, just a ghost trying to find a long dead person that had light, it's the fact that our ghost was trying to find a person with light that fit correctly. Our ghost has said that it has passed over several candidates before it got to our guardian. Why does the ghost have to be the perfect fit? Were the ghosts in some way linked with who we were before we died?
On top of which, we weren't even our Ghost's first choice. The first choice didn't want to be a Guardian, and went back into Cryosleep.For all intents and purposes, we shouldn't even be alive yet.
That begs the question, are the number of Guardians extremely limited? Like, you would imagine all potential candidates to become Guardians would be exhausted should they meet a minimum threshold. Yet from what you've stated our Ghost had only one person in mind at any given time, as if there was a "Light economy" so to speak prohibiting mass revivals. Makes since given how Light is strained through our subclasses and within our weapons and armor, that Ghosts would require the same restrictions utilizing it.
Complete thread:
- Who are our Guardians? -
2016-10-18, 15:05
- Who are our Guardians? -
2016-10-18, 15:15
- Who are our Guardians? -
2016-10-18, 15:18
- Who are our Guardians? - Grizzlei, 2016-10-18, 15:43
- Who are our Guardians? -
2016-10-18, 16:10
- Who are our Guardians? -
2016-10-18, 16:48
- Who are our Guardians? - Grizzlei, 2016-10-18, 16:58
- Who are our Guardians? -
2016-10-18, 16:48
- Who are our Guardians? -
2016-10-18, 15:18
- Whoever they are, they seem to have gone mute
- Oholiab, 2016-10-18, 16:55
- Who are our Guardians? -
2016-10-18, 15:15