Having completed the hard raid (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Tuesday, October 25, 2016, 00:27 (3044 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

While I completely understand, Aksis is definitely the smallest change from Nornal to Hard. If you can veat Aksis NM, vosiks HM and Zamboni HM, he shouldn't be too tough.

If I can go off on a tangent a bit, I think Bungie did really well with the changes this time around. For one thing they didn't bump enemy Light to 410, surprising everyone. But I also feel like in the Vosiks and especially the Aksis-2 encounter they amped up the fun part rather than just increasing the difficulty or boss health. The best part of both of those fights is the movement and bomb-throwing, and I love that that's what we got more of, not just more adds/majors.

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