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by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Saturday, November 05, 2016, 11:56 (2751 days ago) @ Avateur

For the record, I already voted, but I love this clip:

Haha yeah, dude is hilarious.

I did find the comment about who has "no right to complain" interesting. I've never thought about it that way, sounds silly to think that one can diffuse their responsibility or absolve it altogether when they have an opportunity by just not doing anything.

I think everyone should vote, and I think if you don't have the time or ability to do even the most basic research into the policy positions of both candidates, then you must be incapable of even the most basic decision.

If you want to protest by not voting at all, what a waste of what little initiative you have, it's like having something to say, but going out into the desert and whispering it to a sand dune. At the very least protest votes for 3rd party candidates or organized write-ins (where available) demonstrate the direction you want things to go in. (As an aside I'd much prefer preferential voting, which would have avoided the disaster of the republican primary and tends to support non 2 party system interests...).

And if you think voting has no impact, history proves otherwise. Every great or horrible thing a politician has done, has been because they were elected... with votes.

Fascists don't seize power in a vacuum, they have done it once they have been voted in.

Anyways... go look into each candidate, check out their policies, see who is endorsing them (seriously, the KKK is endorsing one of the 2 candidates for the president of the United States...) and cast your vote in where you want this country to go.

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