Anyone Have the new Astro A50 Gen 3 Headset AND issues? (Destiny)

by OldnAchy, Saturday, November 05, 2016, 12:06 (3032 days ago)

Just purchased Astro A50 Gen 3 headset; went thru set up; and immediately found a problem in Destiny game chat. I can hear other fire team members but they can't hear me. Party chat is not a problem. My thinking on this is that Destiny still expects chat audio thru the controller -- headset plugged into the controller -- and because the A50 is truly wireless Destiny does not recognize the microphone audio. Party chat, however, being an XBL function does not have the issue.

This problem is pretty new since the headset just hit the market but I wonder if anyone else has discovered this problem and/or has developed a work around.

Being constantly in party chat is certainly not the end of the world, but is a bit of a bump for casual fire team joining and apparently is another problem with Destiny in a big bucket of problems.

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