
It's about time: Elite Dangerous coming to PS4 Q2 2017 (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, December 08, 2016, 17:16 (2714 days ago) @ dogcow
edited by cheapLEY, Thursday, December 08, 2016, 17:21

PSVR support would be amazing, but I don't see it happening considering how bad DriveClub VR (and, by most accounts of PSX that I've seen, Gran Turismo Sport) looks.

DriveClub VR makes me sick. Eve: Valkyrie does not, unless I get really crazy w/ my maneuvers. I'm hoping for VR on this and that it'll be more like Eve than DriveClub.

I haven't been able to try Eve Valkyrie, but I'd like to. DriveClub VR is the ugliest, muddiest, blurriest game I've ever seen in my life. I don't recall it making me sick, it's just super ugly and not enjoyable to look at (or play, because it's still DriveClub at the end of the day). I've only been able to try it in small bursts at a friend's house, but PSVR in general was pretty disappointing to me, and it's immediately noticeably worse than the VIVE, which is to be expected I guess. But the gap is way wider than I would have believed, and way wider than it seems like most gaming sites would have you believe.

In any case, Elite Dangerous looks cool, and I'm glad it's coming to PS4.

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