Thanks for the games!

by Avateur @, Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 20:27 (3927 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Best kill: Flipping the Warthog on Standoff near the missile silo and getting the double kill out of it. I pretty sure Avateur was taunting me at the time (when wasn't he! :P) which made it all the more fun. Close second was Spikenading Avateur on Zanzibar or whatever it's called.

That game on Standoff was so close. The best way I know how to get a team to come on out in the open is to use proximity voice to bug them, especially when in a Warthog. To say the least, I was not expecting to explode. The spike grenade kill on Last Resort was also unexpected.

Best kill(s): Getting Morpheus to chase me out of sea wall window on Last Resort where Snipe was waiting with a sniper rifle. Worked like a charm!

Splattering Snipe with a Mongoose on High Ground.

In general I enjoyed killing Avateur whenever I could because of the taunting, and pretty much feared Snipe every time he was on the other team. Despite my dislike of Halo 3's gameplay I did enjoy revisiting all the old maps. Valhalla looks so much better without 343's washed out overly bright sunshine and The Pit has always been one of my favorites. Sticking it out for the win during the laggy game of doom was fun even if I did give up the rocket launcher.

My taunting is MLG pro. Snipe's taunting is MLG Super Saiyan. One day I'll get to his level of roflcopter. :P

But the best part by far is getting to play with yous guys. I did myself a disservice and played an hour of Halo 3 to warm up, and it's night and day playing with randoms and playing with friends. I may have sucked and died way too much, and been the weakest link, but getting to play with the community made it more than worth it! I totally look forward to whatever we do next! :)

Agreed. Disagree about you sucking and dying too much and being a weak link, though.

And even though these game nights seem to get started and organized here at DBO, I decided to post this over at HBO just now:

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