
Uh... (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 21:42 (2930 days ago) @ Ragashingo

One post mistaking an update being live is one thing. I've done that before with Destiny and I certainly would not have a clue if I did or didn't get an upcoming patch if I reinstalled Halo 5 or Titanfall 2. Seeing an update of about the right size when you come back to a game after a while can make it feel different even if it isn't. Again, I've been there.

So.. you understand my confusion.

But I'm looking at the bigger picture. I strongly disagree with Kahzgul on multiple issues he's posted repeatedly about. Things like: Destiny's networking, especially the split between single player and multiplayer or lack thereof. Or, Bungie's weapons balance philosophy and methodology.

I try very hard to clearly delineate between my observations (what I think is going on) and what I would prefer to see done. Those are different things. You can disagree with my personal philosophy of how I'd design a game all you want, but if you're arguing against my observable facts, you're just plain wrong there. I don't believe in alternative facts, Raga. I call it like I see it.

You may also want to take note of my OP in this thread: No lag whatsoever in the one game I played. That's a pretty huge thing for this game, and I've consistently stated that Destiny without lag is one of the finest PvP experiences I've ever encountered. I'm not sure how that observation combined with my positive opinion fits your "Kahzgul has a negative agenda" agenda, but I'm sure you'll find a way. I honestly don't know why I engage with you about this because you seem to have decided I'm always wrong. Obviously I disagree on that point. Go figure.

With regards to weapon balance, I do not have any idea how bungie is balancing their weapons. It doesn't appear to be how I've balanced weapons in the past. That's all I've got for you. Everything else I've said on the matter is an explanation of how I've done it before, why I think that's a good idea, and why it seems to me that Bungie isn't doing that. They may be, I don't know. But because the weapons appear to be consistently out of balance, I don't believe they are doing what I consider to be "best practices" in that regard. Also, I posted below about the patch when it was first announced and included a bit you may have missed: My assumption is that Bungie, or any FPS designer, would want a game where all weapon types are viable. If Bungie does not want that, then you have to throw my balance ideas out the door. It is very possible that they only want a handful of weapons to be top tier weapons and want players to gravitate towards those. If that's the case, then you only need to balance for those small numbers of weapons and then ensure everything else is worse for pvp. I don't know what their philosophy is because they haven't ever, as far as I'm aware, communicated that.

It's to the point now that I believe his experience is consistently and willfully being applied wrongly or blatantly unfairly to Destiny for reasons I don't understand. Or, his experience isn't as extensive as claimed. Therefore, I'm pressing the question of experience. It certainly seems the easier of the two options to rule out.

I dunno dude. I worked on games for 13 years. I worked on some great ones (NOLF, COD:BRO, AVP:Gold) and I worked on some shitty ones (inside the SAT, Lemony Snicket's very long title, Croc 2). I did this for a long time and I did it with people who were top tier AAA devs. I've worked at Mindscape, Fox Interactive, EA, and Activision. Or I'm just a guy on the internet. If what I'm saying doesn't make sense to you, please tell me why it doesn't make sense instead of saying your only reason is you think I'm a liar (I'm not). It is well and good that two different people should have two different opinions of the same game; perhaps you should simply accept that I find fault with things you don't, and vice versa.

Should I have asked more nicely? Yes. Thank you for the reminder.

Please apply this to all posts going forward. You are frequently insulting and rude, and that makes it very difficult for me to engage in the sort of reasonable discourse I look forward to on these forums.

But I stand behind my belief and my question.

You're certainly entitled to your own beliefs, but where I'm concerned, I've been completely honest about my professional experience and opinions on the game throughout my posts here. I'm sorry that you feel like questioning my credibility is a more worthwhile effort than arguing against my points. We're just two guys on the internet here, so I'm not very likely to present you with actual evidence confirming who I am in real life. I don't know why you've decided a witch hunt is a good idea, but I'd like to ask you to desist.

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