Looking forward to being let down (Destiny)
In the third stream when they tell us how they've destroyed previously fun weapons.
Complete thread:
- Reminder: Age of Triumph Reveal Stream 1/3 today at 10am PST -
2017-03-08, 15:48
- AKA In ten minutes...
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 15:50
- Post-Pre-Hype?
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:08
- Post-Pre-Hype?
- Surprise! Year 3 VoG, CE, and KF...
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 16:10
- 390 Light
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:26
- Complete all challenge modes
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:26
- 9 emblems total
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:27
- 9 emblems total
- 390 Light
- Final Live event for Destiny 1. RIP SRL.
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 16:12
- RIP Crimson Doubles
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:12
- RIP Crimson Doubles
- 13 pages for Record Book
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:16
- Retroactive filling-out of book, with timed nodes... -
2017-03-08, 16:18
- Retroactive filling-out of book, with timed objectives... -
2017-03-08, 16:20
- There is one for visiting the Lighthouse, apparently.
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 16:26
- I'm cool as long as I don't need more than my one Y1 trip
- DiscipleN2k, 2017-03-08, 16:34
- Same.
- Funkmon, 2017-03-08, 16:35
- Lighthouse not required to complete the page
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:37
- Funkmon, 2017-03-08, 16:42
- That I'd prefer not to get cancer just to score a t-shirt. -
2017-03-08, 19:52
- I'm With Kermit. -
2017-03-09, 01:45
- Not necessarily -
2017-03-09, 12:59
- But let's be honest: might as well pay.
- Funkmon, 2017-03-09, 14:19
- I'm not going to argue with that -
2017-03-09, 14:27
- I'm not going to argue with that -
2017-03-09, 14:50
- I'm not going to argue with that -
2017-03-09, 16:37
- I'm not going to argue with that -
Cody Miller,
2017-03-11, 20:38
- Mine comes from hard drugs.
- Funkmon, 2017-03-12, 01:46
- Mine comes from hard drugs.
- I'm not going to argue with that -
Cody Miller,
2017-03-11, 20:38
- I'm not going to argue with that -
2017-03-09, 18:08
- Was that with me?
- unoudid, 2017-03-09, 18:10
- Don't think so. -
2017-03-09, 18:32
- I didn't because I forgot to buy boons. was that with you?
- unoudid, 2017-03-09, 19:32
- Which time?
- Funkmon, 2017-03-09, 19:33
- Doubt it. -
2017-03-09, 19:37
- I'm shockingly stupid
- unoudid, 2017-03-09, 19:38
- <3
- ProbablyLast, 2017-03-09, 19:39
- <3
- I'm shockingly stupid
- Which time?
- I didn't because I forgot to buy boons. was that with you?
- It was. Good times unoudid getting screwed out of lighthouse
- Funkmon, 2017-03-09, 18:43
- Don't think so. -
2017-03-09, 18:32
- Was that with me?
- I'm not going to argue with that -
2017-03-09, 16:37
- I'm not going to argue with that - Morpheus, 2017-03-11, 06:41
- I'm not going to argue with that -
2017-03-09, 14:50
- I'm not going to argue with that -
2017-03-09, 14:27
- But let's be honest: might as well pay.
- Not necessarily -
2017-03-09, 12:59
- I'm With Kermit. -
2017-03-09, 01:45
- That I'd prefer not to get cancer just to score a t-shirt. -
2017-03-08, 19:52
- Lighthouse not required to complete the page
- I'm cool as long as I don't need more than my one carried tr -
2017-03-08, 17:17
- I'm cool as long as I don't need more than my one carried tr - Korny, 2017-03-08, 17:20
- Same.
- I'm cool as long as I don't need more than my one Y1 trip
- There is one for visiting the Lighthouse, apparently.
- Check here to see if you played on Day One - Chappy, 2017-03-08, 19:51
- Retroactive filling-out of book, with timed objectives... -
2017-03-08, 16:20
- Retroactive filling-out of book, with timed nodes... -
2017-03-08, 16:18
- Light Level is 400.
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 16:27
- RIP the 420 LL Dream
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:28
- Raids are 390 Light.
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 16:48
- 42 Level enemies
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:51
- 42 Level enemies
- RIP the 420 LL Dream
- Mythoclast is back
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:29
- Year 1 Crucible All Over Again.
- Morpheus, 2017-03-09, 01:41
- Year 1 Crucible All Over Again.
- new armor ornaments
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:29
- Loot Cave in the Record Book
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:32
- New Moments of Triumph shirt at Bungie Store
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:40
- *Will not carry over to Des2ny
- CyberKN, 2017-03-08, 16:42
- *Will not carry over to Des2ny
- All PS4 players will have "Get Hawkmoon before Cody" filled.
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 16:42
- Speaking Of... -
2017-03-09, 02:00
- Cross off deeJ, joke, and Speaker saying something new.
- Funkmon, 2017-03-09, 02:34
- Man, That's Even Closer! What About You Guys?
- Morpheus, 2017-03-09, 03:13
- Man, That's Even Closer! What About You Guys?
- Lol yes!
- Cody Miller, 2017-03-11, 20:39
- Cross off deeJ, joke, and Speaker saying something new.
- Speaking Of... -
2017-03-09, 02:00
- Weekly Raid with all Challenges available.
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 16:43
- New loot for Wrath of the Machine (as well as old raids).
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 16:45
- New loot for Wrath of the Machine (as well as old raids).
- Templar and Atheon Challenge Modes
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:44
- new raid ghosts and sparrows
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:45
- Old raids now have ghost shells, newer raids get sparrows
- CyberKN, 2017-03-08, 16:46
- Year 1 loot stays Year 1 and low Light.
- Korny, 2017-03-08, 16:46
- week 1 is crota's end
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:46
- week 2 is VoG, week 3 King's Fall
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:47
- week 2 is VoG, week 3 King's Fall
- March 28th release date
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 16:48
- 390 raids are not Takenified/SIVA-fied :D
- CyberKN, 2017-03-08, 16:51
- Confirmed: patch notes don't note all patched stuff.
- Funkmon, 2017-03-08, 16:59
- Legions + Minotaurs will now spawn up at the sniper ledge... - Korny, 2017-03-08, 17:01
- No additional vault space :(
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 17:05
- Age of Triumph... Defenders Titans not invited? -
2017-03-08, 18:00
- Defenders are not a real subclass ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 18:03
- Age of Triumph... Defenders Titans not invited? -
2017-03-08, 19:09
- I just read this as Age of Trump. FML
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 19:14
- Even That's Glitched. - Morpheus, 2017-03-09, 02:11
- I just read this as Age of Trump. FML
- Defenders are not a real subclass ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Sounds like a blast -
2017-03-08, 18:05
- until we need to get to the lit house
- unoudid, 2017-03-08, 18:06
- Which we have done. That node was said to be retroactive.
- Zero, 2017-03-08, 18:06
- He means to carry me there :)
- ChrisTheeCrappy, 2017-03-08, 18:09
- He means to carry me there :)
- Which we have done. That node was said to be retroactive.
- until we need to get to the lit house
- That idiot chiming in: I'll see you in Destiny 2. - cheapLEY, 2017-03-08, 18:15
- Node to kill all the gorgons. -
2017-03-08, 18:26
- I wonder if it has to be in the 390LL raid. -
2017-03-08, 18:48
- I wonder if it has to be in the 390LL raid. -
2017-03-08, 18:58
- Spoilers? - unoudid, 2017-03-08, 19:01
- I'm down :)
- DiscipleN2k, 2017-03-08, 19:06
- I try to do that every time and nobody is into it.
- Funkmon, 2017-03-08, 19:25
- Because when you did it there was no reason
- narcogen, 2017-03-09, 00:18
- Because when you did it there was no reason
- I wonder if it has to be in the 390LL raid. -
2017-03-08, 18:58
- But They Respawn, WTF!? -
2017-03-09, 01:40
- But They Respawn, WTF!? -
2017-03-09, 12:52
- They don't ever become immune with enough firepower - Funkmon, 2017-03-09, 14:13
- But They Respawn, WTF!? -
2017-03-09, 12:52
- I wonder if it has to be in the 390LL raid. -
2017-03-08, 18:48
- Looking forward to being let down - ProbablyLast, 2017-03-08, 19:00
- Video @ end: Interesting Constellation around Venus
- Pyromancy, 2017-03-09, 04:20
- Video @ end: Vex-like whispering when Traveller disappears?
- Pyromancy, 2017-03-09, 04:21
- Video @ end: Vex-like whispering when Traveller disappears?
- Pages and pages of grind
- Cody Miller, 2017-03-10, 02:01
- Official Youtube archive available -
2017-03-10, 17:08
- Can I get a tldw?
- Cody Miller, 2017-03-11, 12:10
- Read the subjects.
- Funkmon, 2017-03-11, 15:28
- tl;dw, it's Destiny's biggest record book EVER.
- Korny, 2017-03-11, 15:30
- tl;dw, it's Destiny's biggest record book EVER. -
Cody Miller,
2017-03-11, 20:47
- tl;dw, it's Destiny's biggest record book EVER. -
2017-03-11, 21:19
- tl;dw, it's Destiny's biggest record book EVER. - Cody Miller, 2017-03-11, 22:11
- tl;dw, it's Destiny's biggest record book EVER. -
2017-03-11, 22:58
- tl;dw, it's Destiny's biggest record book EVER. - Vortech, 2017-03-16, 14:11
- tl;dw, it's Destiny's biggest record book EVER. -
2017-03-11, 21:19
- tl;dw, it's Destiny's biggest record book EVER. -
Cody Miller,
2017-03-11, 20:47
- Read the subjects.
- Can I get a tldw?
- AKA In ten minutes...