Destiny 2 poster leak? (Destiny)
Possible promotional poster for Des2ny has cropped up online. Says the game will launch in September, Beta this summer.
Unconfirmed, grain of salt, etc.

PS exclusive content
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PS4 gets early beta access
So if the rumors are true and 1) Our guardians are losing everything with the sequel, and 2) PS4 is getting early beta access (meaning likely more timed exclusives and Xbox getting the shaft again), how many Xboxers are going to be jumping ship to PS4? Now seems like the best time since you'll be starting over either way.
I'm on the fence here. I'm planning on grabbing the Scorpio when it launches, so I'm definitely not going to be picking up a PS4. If I get Destiny 2 for Xbox One, I may have to do so knowing that I'll be getting screwed out of content every year of the game's life.
Or I could just walk away and have an extra 1,700 hours and a few hundred bucks over the next three years to put to better use.

PS4 gets early beta access
I'm staying on the XBox platform. I've come to terms with the exclusive content (less to collect and with the exception of year one Hawkmoon no impact to the game itself). Plus if the last three years are any indication, there will actually be more shenanigans happening on the XBox over time than on the Playstation side of the house.

PS4 gets early beta access
I'm staying on the XBox platform. I've come to terms with the exclusive content (less to collect and with the exception of year one Hawkmoon no impact to the game itself). Plus if the last three years are any indication, there will actually be more shenanigans happening on the XBox over time than on the Playstation side of the house.
Dude what? Everybody knows the PS4 crew is up to the most shenanigans!
We could all just move to PC and play with each other you know. I never liked segregation. Especially when it's not separate but equal!

PS4 gets early beta access
I'll still be here. Till the bitter end. lol

PS4 gets early beta access
So if the rumors are true and 1) Our guardians are losing everything with the sequel, and 2) PS4 is getting early beta access (meaning likely more timed exclusives and Xbox getting the shaft again), how many Xboxers are going to be jumping ship to PS4? Now seems like the best time since you'll be starting over either way.
I'll be sticking with Xbox. I just like the controller better for FPS. It's never really bothered me too much that PS gets some sclussies. Someone having more doesn't make what I have less. Think positively.
I'm excited about D2. Also really looking forward to the marketing campaign. The live action stuff for Destiny was neat...but there just wasn't much excitement to it. I'll forever compare things to the build up of Halo 3. Amazing marketing...this probable won't match that...but it could be good.

Guns as penises confirmed?
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8 minute game play trailer at e3

PS4 gets early beta access
I'm staying on the Xbox platform. I've come to terms with the exclusive content (less to collect and with the exception of year one Hawkmoon no impact to the game itself).
I'm definitely cool with having fewer armor sets to collect, but it looks like we're going to completely miss out on the Zen Meteor (completely impractical and difficult to activate, but would have been fun to do it just once), two multiplayer maps (sector 618 looked like fun!), the Echo Chamber strike, and a couple of story missions. The exclusive strike was especially annoying because they locked a ghost (and its associated grimoire card) inside of it that was only accessible to Xbox players after someone figured out how to glitch their way inside.
If they want to lock away cosmetic stuff, that's fine, but saying I can't play on all of the maps or access all of the story because I stuck with the console that Bungie drew me toward in the first place? That kind of pisses me off.

what's with the human hegemony?
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what's with the human hegemony?
The twist is that everyone is actually been an Exo all along. Some just more realistic looking than others!

what's with the human hegemony?
I was just commenting on Twitter that I find the choice to go with exposed human faces a bit strange (rather than helmets).
A) You almost never see your characters' faces in Destiny, and
B) When you DO see their face, it will be a custom face and not the ones on the poster.
Seems like an odd choice, given the fact that posters/box art is typically where you want to go as "iconic" as possible.

what's with the human hegemony?
Seems like an odd choice, given the fact that posters/box art is typically where you want to go as "iconic" as possible.
I was thinking that these could be potential NPC's that we'll play along side in the campaign?

what's with the human hegemony?
Seems like an odd choice, given the fact that posters/box art is typically where you want to go as "iconic" as possible.
I was thinking that these could be potential NPC's that we'll play along side in the campaign?
A welcome change, considering there are zero friendly AI characters in all of Destiny so far.

I have a PS4, but I will again rock release D2 on XB1
That's the console that my IRL friends play, so that's where I'll be.
Also with the elite controller, the idea of getting any cross-platform game on the PS4 is humorous to me.

Can't wait till one drives me off a cliff in a warthog
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Silly guardian, Destiny only has 1 player "vehicles"
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I'm kind of hoping they fix that in D2. Also, Banshees?
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what's with the human hegemony?
I think these are the actors from the live action trailers.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
These kinda practices are just turning me away rather than drawing me to buy a PS4. I was even considering buying one for some other games. But now? Way to go Sony, you might have had a new customer. Either way, I wouldn't have switched consoles just for Destiny 2 :D


Seems legit
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Might be fake?
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PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
These kinda practices are just turning me away rather than drawing me to buy a PS4. I was even considering buying one for some other games. But now? Way to go Sony, you might have had a new customer. Either way, I wouldn't have switched consoles just for Destiny 2 :D
Funny how Sony gets the blame instead of Activision.
"Sony offered more money than Microsoft for this deal? THANKS SONY, YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A NEW CUSTOMER!"
It's kind of dumb, and I doubt you'd say "Xbox is getting the exclusives this time? LATER MICROSOFT, HELLO SONY!"
Shouldn't let publisher deals for exclusive content sway you when flat-out exclusive games don't have you decrying the companies.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
These kinda practices are just turning me away rather than drawing me to buy a PS4. I was even considering buying one for some other games. But now? Way to go Sony, you might have had a new customer. Either way, I wouldn't have switched consoles just for Destiny 2 :D
Funny how Sony gets the blame instead of Activision."Sony offered more money than Microsoft for this deal? THANKS SONY, YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A NEW CUSTOMER!"
It's kind of dumb, and I doubt you'd say "Xbox is getting the exclusives this time? LATER MICROSOFT, HELLO SONY!"Shouldn't let publisher deals for exclusive content sway you when flat-out exclusive games don't have you decrying the companies.
I know that it's Sony, Activision and Bungie's doing. However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony. I also know that Activision/Bungie still agreed to it. I also know that It's always greener on the other side and that if Microsoft was doing this it might feel differently.
But the fact of the matter is, Sony is making these sort of things happen to sway XBox owners to get a PS4 and I'm saying that it's not working at all, in fact it's making it worse.
If you think that this is meant to do something else, I'm all ears. But as a potential customer, this is what I'm getting from it, and what I see about this situation is all that should really matter to Sony. I'm a customer. I would rather be seen as a gamer, or even a consumer to them. In this case, I don't feel that way.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
But the fact of the matter is, Sony is making these sort of things happen to sway XBox owners to get a PS4 and I'm saying that it's not working at all, in fact it's making it worse.
It's part of the reason I got a PS4 and sold my Xbox. Not the sole reason, or even a huge reason, but it was definitely a factor. t's undeniable that PS4 players are getting a better, more complete experience, why should I deny myself that experience?

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
Shouldn't let publisher deals for exclusive content sway you when flat-out exclusive games don't have you decrying the companies.
Exclusive games are often better than they otherwise would be. They only have to worry about one platform, and can often take more advantage of the hardware since they don't have to write general code.
Exclusive pieces of content like this have no upside for players.

A worthy trade off if we get something as fun as the Warthog
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As someone who could have both experiences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Can't be. Guy on the right has a shotgun.
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PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony.
Do you actually know this? Is it public knowledge who initiated the deal? (Genuinely asking--I don't know.)
I would rather be seen as a gamer, or even a consumer to them. In this case, I don't feel that way.
I don't understand what you mean here. Surely Sony's PS4 division thinks of customers as consumers and gamers--what else would they think of them as?

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
Shouldn't let publisher deals for exclusive content sway you when flat-out exclusive games don't have you decrying the companies.
Exclusive games are often better than they otherwise would be. They only have to worry about one platform, and can often take more advantage of the hardware since they don't have to write general code.
One of my biggest fears for Rise of the Tomb Raider being exclusive to Xbox for a year was that they would have to make sacrifices to optimize it for Xbox (this was before they killed Kinect completely, I think). Fortunately when it came over to PlayStation it had an option to improve the game's framerate and graphics, but I still felt like something didn't get to make it into the game...
Exclusive pieces of content like this have no upside for players.
Well, we never did get ornaments for Jade Rabbit, which is basically a perfect canvas for cool designs...

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony.
Do you actually know this? Is it public knowledge who initiated the deal? (Genuinely asking--I don't know.)
Maybe not public. I was told this by one person, so keep in mind I haven't confirmed this with anybody else:
Sony really wanted Bungie to reveal Destiny at the Playstation event. Harold knew this and made a deal, making Bungie a nice chunk of cash in exchange for the reveal, and the exclusivity. So yes, Sony initially showed the interest.
Why the exclusivity is ongoing for Des2ny, I have no idea.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony.
Do you actually know this? Is it public knowledge who initiated the deal? (Genuinely asking--I don't know.)
Maybe not public. I was told this by one person, so keep in mind I haven't confirmed this with anybody else:Sony really wanted Bungie to reveal Destiny at the Playstation event. Harold knew this and made a deal, making Bungie a nice chunk of cash in exchange for the reveal, and the exclusivity. So yes, Sony initially showed the interest.
Why the exclusivity is ongoing for Des2ny, I have no idea.
I guess technically, I don't. But it makes no sense, in my mind, for Bungie/Activision to do Playstation exclusives unless they were hurting for cash.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
I would rather be seen as a gamer, or even a consumer to them. In this case, I don't feel that way.
I don't understand what you mean here. Surely Sony's PS4 division thinks of customers as consumers and gamers--what else would they think of them as?
I mean, I would rather be seen as a person who loves games instead of someone who gives money to Sony for games.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony.
Do you actually know this? Is it public knowledge who initiated the deal? (Genuinely asking--I don't know.)
Maybe not public. I was told this by one person, so keep in mind I haven't confirmed this with anybody else:Sony really wanted Bungie to reveal Destiny at the Playstation event. Harold knew this and made a deal, making Bungie a nice chunk of cash in exchange for the reveal, and the exclusivity. So yes, Sony initially showed the interest.
Why the exclusivity is ongoing for Des2ny, I have no idea.
I guess technically, I don't. But it makes no sense, in my mind, for Bungie/Activision to do Playstation exclusives unless they were hurting for cash.
The charitable version is that Harold is a businessman for a company on which many employees and their families depend. He's looking out for the well being of everyone financially, especially given that a new IP is never a sure thing.
I think you know what the non charitable version is.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
These kinda practices are just turning me away rather than drawing me to buy a PS4. I was even considering buying one for some other games. But now? Way to go Sony, you might have had a new customer. Either way, I wouldn't have switched consoles just for Destiny 2 :D
Funny how Sony gets the blame instead of Activision."Sony offered more money than Microsoft for this deal? THANKS SONY, YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A NEW CUSTOMER!"
It's kind of dumb, and I doubt you'd say "Xbox is getting the exclusives this time? LATER MICROSOFT, HELLO SONY!"Shouldn't let publisher deals for exclusive content sway you when flat-out exclusive games don't have you decrying the companies.
I know that it's Sony, Activision and Bungie's doing. However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony. I also know that Activision/Bungie still agreed to it. I also know that It's always greener on the other side and that if Microsoft was doing this it might feel differently.
Do you have a source for Sony proposing this deal? The poster just leaked, where are you getting this info?
But the fact of the matter is, Sony is making these sort of things happen to sway XBox owners to get a PS4 and I'm saying that it's not working at all, in fact it's making it worse.
Microsoft has done the exact same thing. Heck, they've made entire games exclusive for a year. Why are we nitpicking who does what? It's a business practice. Sure would be sunshine and rainbows if neither company did this, but you are choosing to villify just one company for having some exclusive content or an early beta?
If you think that this is meant to do something else, I'm all ears. But as a potential customer, this is what I'm getting from it, and what I see about this situation is all that should really matter to Sony.
I'm a customer. I would rather be seen as a gamer, or even a consumer to them. In this case, I don't feel that way.
All I know is that Sony has never forced me to buy their peripherals, or forced me to sit on the sidelines why they catered to the sports and TV crowd. In that sense, Microsoft has actively failed to see their customers are gamers, and more as wallets and possible subscribers (remember that they even required you to have Gold in order to watch Netflix on their console).
I dunno. Paying more money to snag some exclusive content is obviously a smart business move to appeal to potential customers (although some clearly see it as a personal affront, but whatevs), but it also shows that they are willing to actively cater to the existing base as well (sales-wise, Xbox has been thoroughly beaten this generation, so they don't really neeeeed to be paying for exclusive content, it wouldn't hurt them to let Xbox get the stuff this time, but clearly they think that Destiny 2 continuing to be the complete Destiny experience is worth missing out on one guy who takes business decisions personally).

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony.
Do you actually know this? Is it public knowledge who initiated the deal? (Genuinely asking--I don't know.)
Maybe not public. I was told this by one person, so keep in mind I haven't confirmed this with anybody else:Sony really wanted Bungie to reveal Destiny at the Playstation event. Harold knew this and made a deal, making Bungie a nice chunk of cash in exchange for the reveal, and the exclusivity. So yes, Sony initially showed the interest.
Why the exclusivity is ongoing for Des2ny, I have no idea.
I guess technically, I don't. But it makes no sense, in my mind, for Bungie/Activision to do Playstation exclusives unless they were hurting for cash.
The charitable version is that Harold is a businessman for a company on which many employees and their families depend. He's looking out for the well being of everyone financially, especially given that a new IP is never a sure thing.I think you know what the non charitable version is.
I know these are all companies, which means they are there to make money. I just hate that Console companies are using game companies to sway their users. Damnit, just make a superior console and I will buy it. Don't use the games I love to sway my vote.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
Damnit, just make a superior
consolecontroller and I will buy it.
This is one of the issues I have with considering a PS4. I just love the elite controller.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
Damnit, just make a superior console and I will buy it.
Except you didn't. It was known long before launch that PS4 would be the superior console at a technical level (unless you bought into Microsoft's blast processing and 300,000 cloud servers).
It was known before the consoles launched that Destiny would have more content on PS4.
Even now, look at Xbox's exclusives. The biggest AAA exclusive they have this year has a 79 on Metacritic (with nothing notable on the horizon), while pretty much every big PS4 exclusive released so far is a critical success.
And that's without even mentioning the Pro.
Don't use the games I love to sway my vote.
So none of the exclusives sway your vote? It's all what Destiny has (clearly it wasn't before Destiny launched, since you went with Xbox).
PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
I mean, I would rather be seen as a person who loves games instead of someone who gives money to Sony for games.
I'm definitely not trying to argue with you, but that's kind of like saying, I would rather be seen as a person who loves gasoline instead of someone who gives Shell money for gasoline.
Do you honestly think Microsoft/Xbox has a different perception of you than Sony does?

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony.
Do you actually know this? Is it public knowledge who initiated the deal? (Genuinely asking--I don't know.)
Maybe not public. I was told this by one person, so keep in mind I haven't confirmed this with anybody else:Sony really wanted Bungie to reveal Destiny at the Playstation event. Harold knew this and made a deal, making Bungie a nice chunk of cash in exchange for the reveal, and the exclusivity. So yes, Sony initially showed the interest.
Why the exclusivity is ongoing for Des2ny, I have no idea.
I guess technically, I don't. But it makes no sense, in my mind, for Bungie/Activision to do Playstation exclusives unless they were hurting for cash.
It makes perfect sense, depending on how much money Sony was willing to throw at them.
At a certain point, Bungie and Activision would have to say to each other and themselves:
"They're offering that much money? For relatively little work? AND they'll help give an
extra marketing push on their dime? We'd be idiots to say 'no'!"

At a certain point, Bungie and Activision would have to say to each other and themselves:
"They're offering that much money? For relatively little work? AND they'll help give an
extra marketing push on their dime? We'd be idiots to say 'no'!"
Absolutely correct. Still rankles, though, if you happen to be on the other side of the fence. And let me tell you, that’s one uncomfortable fence to try and straddle.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony.
Do you actually know this? Is it public knowledge who initiated the deal? (Genuinely asking--I don't know.)
Maybe not public. I was told this by one person, so keep in mind I haven't confirmed this with anybody else:Sony really wanted Bungie to reveal Destiny at the Playstation event. Harold knew this and made a deal, making Bungie a nice chunk of cash in exchange for the reveal, and the exclusivity. So yes, Sony initially showed the interest.
Why the exclusivity is ongoing for Des2ny, I have no idea.
I guess technically, I don't. But it makes no sense, in my mind, for Bungie/Activision to do Playstation exclusives unless they were hurting for cash.
The charitable version is that Harold is a businessman for a company on which many employees and their families depend. He's looking out for the well being of everyone financially, especially given that a new IP is never a sure thing.I think you know what the non charitable version is.
I know these are all companies, which means they are there to make money. I just hate that Console companies are using game companies to sway their users. Damnit, just make a superior console and I will buy it. Don't use the games I love to sway my vote.
I feel where you are coming from, but the pragmatic side of me says "this is how consoles have always been, and they aren't likely to change any time soon". At the end of the day, slightly better frame rates or marginally faster load times are not "sexy" ideas to sell. The thing that gets gamers excited about a console is games. And selling the exact same games that everyone else is selling just doesn't cut it. Every business ever wants to have an "edge". Something they can offer that the competition can't.
The slightly sad part is that Microsoft keeps trying alternatives, without finding much success. When they first announced the Xbox One, they tried to lean hard on the idea that the console would function in a variety of new ways. Problem was, they bet wrong on what would get gamers excited, Sony capitalized and gave gamers exactly what they wanted, and Xbox has been struggling to catch up ever since.
Then Microsoft pivoted, re-built the Xbox One into the platform we have now, and doubled-down on the old-school approach of exclusive titles. Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Forza, Ori, Halo 5, Gears 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider. Mostly great games, with a couple exceptional ones in the mix, but none of them gained the kind of traction or sales that Microsoft needed.
So then they pivoted again, almost in the opposite direction, with their "play anywhere" idea. And then, like clockwork, Sony all of a sudden opens the floodgates on an avalanche of critical-darling exclusives, culminating with Horizon Zero Dawn (with God of War and The Last of Us 2 on the way). Oh, and Nintendo releases a new Zelda which completely takes over the world.
Microsoft just can't seem to catch a break these days.
Fake News
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At a certain point, Bungie and Activision would have to say to each other and themselves:
"They're offering that much money? For relatively little work? AND they'll help give an
extra marketing push on their dime? We'd be idiots to say 'no'!"
Absolutely correct. Still rankles, though, if you happen to be on the other side of the fence. And let me tell you, that’s one uncomfortable fence to try and straddle.
Yep. It sucks for the fans, which is a damn shame. As understanding as I try to be with regards to the realities involved, I can't help but feel disappointed when a business decision is made for the benefit of developer, publisher, and platform, all at the expense of the consumer. Both the gamer and business sides of my brain say "there must be a better way to do this".

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At a certain point, Bungie and Activision would have to say to each other and themselves:
"They're offering that much money? For relatively little work? AND they'll help give an
extra marketing push on their dime? We'd be idiots to say 'no'!"
Absolutely correct. Still rankles, though, if you happen to be on the other side of the fence. And let me tell you, that’s one uncomfortable fence to try and straddle.
This is exactly why I take my famous hard line stances on things around here. It hurts my bits too much to straddle both sides of anything :-p Best to pick a side and stand feet planted!

There goes your social life ;p
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no that will be the 390 raids
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Tweet got deleted.
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He still says poster is real, no announcement today

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
These kinda practices are just turning me away rather than drawing me to buy a PS4. I was even considering buying one for some other games. But now? Way to go Sony, you might have had a new customer. Either way, I wouldn't have switched consoles just for Destiny 2 :D
Funny how Sony gets the blame instead of Activision."Sony offered more money than Microsoft for this deal? THANKS SONY, YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A NEW CUSTOMER!"
It's kind of dumb, and I doubt you'd say "Xbox is getting the exclusives this time? LATER MICROSOFT, HELLO SONY!"Shouldn't let publisher deals for exclusive content sway you when flat-out exclusive games don't have you decrying the companies.
I know that it's Sony, Activision and Bungie's doing. However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony. I also know that Activision/Bungie still agreed to it. I also know that It's always greener on the other side and that if Microsoft was doing this it might feel differently.
Do you have a source for Sony proposing this deal? The poster just leaked, where are you getting this info?
I don't have sources, it's more of a gut feeling, should have phrased that differently :D
But the fact of the matter is, Sony is making these sort of things happen to sway XBox owners to get a PS4 and I'm saying that it's not working at all, in fact it's making it worse.
Microsoft has done the exact same thing. Heck, they've made entire games exclusive for a year. Why are we nitpicking who does what? It's a business practice. Sure would be sunshine and rainbows if neither company did this, but you are choosing to villify just one company for having some exclusive content or an early beta?
Exclusivity is on a different level as releasing a game early. Exclusivity means far less work and money, it's a reason in itself. Releasing a game early means you have made the game for multiple platforms and you are just choosing to release to one platform over the other.
I'm not trying to villify a single company. But in my case, I'm saying that a company, Sony, is trying to use tactics that hurt my playing experience to entice me to their side. They are using the stick instead of the carrot. I take that back, they are flaunting a carrot in my face to use their product that I don't want to use. But they are degrading my experience with a game I like just to sell their product. Anyone who does that is on my black list.
If you think that this is meant to do something else, I'm all ears. But as a potential customer, this is what I'm getting from it, and what I see about this situation is all that should really matter to Sony.
I'm a customer. I would rather be seen as a gamer, or even a consumer to them. In this case, I don't feel that way.
All I know is that Sony has never forced me to buy their peripherals, or forced me to sit on the sidelines why they catered to the sports and TV crowd. In that sense, Microsoft has actively failed to see their customers are gamers, and more as wallets and possible subscribers (remember that they even required you to have Gold in order to watch Netflix on their console).
I don't want to sound like I'm rich or anything, but I frankly don't care about the money aspect. I care that this competition between Microsoft and Sony is degrading my experience with the people and games I play with. I totally believe in healthy competition, but when it starts affecting the players, that is just irresponsible. Again, I don't care if it's Sony or Microsoft. In my case, right now, it's Sony.
I dunno. Paying more money to snag some exclusive content is obviously a smart business move to appeal to potential customers (although some clearly see it as a personal affront, but whatevs), but it also shows that they are willing to actively cater to the existing base as well (sales-wise, Xbox has been thoroughly beaten this generation, so they don't really neeeeed to be paying for exclusive content, it wouldn't hurt them to let Xbox get the stuff this time, but clearly they think that Destiny 2 continuing to be the complete Destiny experience is worth missing out on one guy who takes business decisions personally).
I'm really curious how much of the player base actually bought an entire console just to get the extra content. Because, no offense to those people, I would never do that. I might, however pay money to get that particular content on top of what I bought.

i'm not switching. f**k Sony
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PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
I mean, I would rather be seen as a person who loves games instead of someone who gives money to Sony for games.
I'm definitely not trying to argue with you
I don't argue, I debate :-D
but that's kind of like saying, I would rather be seen as a person who loves gasoline instead of someone who gives Shell money for gasoline.
That analogy is only kind of true, because I don't think of gasoline as an art form nor do I think of using it skill based challenge.
Do you honestly think Microsoft/Xbox has a different perception of you than Sony does?
I mentioned in other posts that I don't care who it is, the gamer/consumer/producer, every one deserves respect for what they do.
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PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
I'm really curious how much of the player base actually bought an entire console just to get the extra content. Because, no offense to those people, I would never do that. I might, however pay money to get that particular content on top of what I bought.
Well, at least one. Considering I had neither an Xbox One nor a PS4, I picked the PS4 based on getting the best version of Destiny.
Good choice in hindsight even without that. I will never buy an Xbox One unless I can disable the advertising on the dashboard.

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PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
I'm really curious how much of the player base actually bought an entire console just to get the extra content. Because, no offense to those people, I would never do that. I might, however pay money to get that particular content on top of what I bought.
Well, at least one. Considering I had neither an Xbox One nor a PS4, I picked the PS4 based on getting the best version of Destiny.
I was referring to changing consoles, not picking to buy one over the other when getting a game.
I can understand what you are saying for Destiny, but in the case of Destiny 2, what is the profit margin? Unless the deal with Sony was for the entirety of Destiny.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
I dunno. Paying more money to snag some exclusive content is obviously a smart business move to appeal to potential customers (although some clearly see it as a personal affront, but whatevs), but it also shows that they are willing to actively cater to the existing base as well (sales-wise, Xbox has been thoroughly beaten this generation, so they don't really neeeeed to be paying for exclusive content, it wouldn't hurt them to let Xbox get the stuff this time, but clearly they think that Destiny 2 continuing to be the complete Destiny experience is worth missing out on one guy who takes business decisions personally).
I'm really curious how much of the player base actually bought an entire console just to get the extra content. Because, no offense to those people, I would never do that. I might, however pay money to get that particular content on top of what I bought.
PS4 being the lead platform for Destiny was the primary reason that I bought a PS4 when I did. I'm lucky enough to have the kind of income now where I knew I would get both and Xbone and a PS4 eventually, so it was more a question of timing. When the two consoles launched, I bought an Xbox One because I knew I wanted to play Titanfall. But I also knew before making that purchase that the PS4 was the lead platform for Destiny, and if there were going to be any pieces of exclusive content, or technical performance differences, the PS4 would be the platform of choice. So I made sure I had a PS4 before Destiny launched. At that time, there were no other PS4 games that I wanted to play. As I said, I knew I was going to get one eventually... Destiny was the justification to buy it as early as I did.

PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
I'm really curious how much of the player base actually bought an entire console just to get the extra content. Because, no offense to those people, I would never do that. I might, however pay money to get that particular content on top of what I bought.
Well, at least one. Considering I had neither an Xbox One nor a PS4, I picked the PS4 based on getting the best version of Destiny.
I was referring to changing consoles, not picking to buy one over the other when getting a game.I can understand what you are saying for Destiny, but in the case of Destiny 2, what is the profit margin? Unless the deal with Sony was for the entirety of Destiny.
There are still a lot of people out there who haven't bought a next-gen console. Or people who have an Xbox, and are maybe interested in picking up a PS4 and are looking for reasons to talk themselves into it.
That's why Sony and Microsoft still battle over exclusive content. That's why Sony and Microsoft are both releasing half-step console revisions. There are still millions of potential customers out there weighing their options, so every reason Sony can add to the list helps them.

Still no beards.
Pre-order cancelled.

Sticking With Xbox
Since 94, I never trusted(and still don't trust) a console or a company with buttons that don't have letters or numbers, but shapes.

Sticking With Xbox
Since 94, I never trusted(and still don't trust) a console or a company with buttons that don't have letters or numbers, but shapes.
Uh, how do you turn anything in the world on?

That's literally a One and a Zero
- No text -

That's literally an l and a U
- No text -

Mind -> BLOWN
- No text -

Here's the Catch 22 IMHO
The biggest weakness of Destiny was the lack of a compelling narrative that really made you care about what you were doing. Destiny's mechanics were often stellar and many missions had memorable dynamics and encounters, but they didn't connect very well to any emotional core storywise--at least for me.
For this reason, I don't think any of the exclusive content mattered. It all was just more of the same. Some of it was good, but not better than the best stuff that existed on both platforms. I could have easily lived without it.
Many, including me, have said they want a stronger narrative in D2. We want the story to matter, the strikes to matter--we want everything to mean something. The problem presented by the open world was that the public spaces had to exist outside of any timeline. (Even on a small scare--leave an area for 15 minutes, and when you return Randal the Vandal is alive again, up to no good.) At a time when some of the best narratives in our culture are serial in nature (think HBO dramas), the structure of Destiny demands a return to the status quo after a mission (think the way TV used to be--the status quo has to be reset by minute 22). It's not that Bungie didn't ever show consequences for your actions. Vendors say different things to you depending on what you've done, and I always got excited about new elements were introduced into the public spaces with the expansions. I like the idea of a shared public spaces and seamless matchmaking within, but it also seemed to constrict Bungie's goal of creating a living world--at least if you interpret that to mean a world that changes. In terms of story, change is what creates meaning.
So what if Bungie effectively addresses these issues. What if strikes are integral to the story? It's really going to hurt leaving them off of one platform, but if they are not integral, do we care?

Xbox Pwr button is an X so.....
- No text -

it's pac man eating a dot
- No text -

Typical American. Everything has to be in English eh? Can't think about the international audience eh? Next you're going to say that the WHITE 360 was the best one. Get woke bro, it's 2017.
(runs to safe space)

Y'all joke, but it really was the inspiration for the symbol
At least that's what the standard for it said it was

Typical American. Everything has to be in English eh? Can't think about the international audience eh? Next you're going to say that the WHITE 360 was the best one. Get woke bro, it's 2017.
(runs to safe space)
Joking about the concept of "triggered" and "save spaces" is really macho.
PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away
Damnit, just make a superior console and I will buy it.
Except you didn't. It was known long before launch that PS4 would be the superior console at a technical level (unless you bought into Microsoft's blast processing and 300,000 cloud servers).
It was known before the consoles launched that Destiny would have more content on PS4.
Even now, look at Xbox's exclusives. The biggest AAA exclusive they have this year has a 79 on Metacritic (with nothing notable on the horizon), while pretty much every big PS4 exclusive released so far is a critical success.
And that's without even mentioning the Pro.
Don't use the games I love to sway my vote.
So none of the exclusives sway your vote? It's all what Destiny has (clearly it wasn't before Destiny launched, since you went with Xbox).
To be fair, he said he was considering the PS4. Hell, I bought one recently. Frankly, I feel like the gulf of technical superiority pales in comparison to the online ecosystem gulf between the consoles, which is why I still prefer Xbox. But still, he says he was considering this console (because it's a good console with good content, which speaks for itself).
Even though I now have a PS4, I might still refuse to play Destiny on it going forward on the principle that I dislike this tactic as a console selling device. I may have bought one, but not due to these shitty tactics, and I'd prefer to not reward those shitty tactics by also buying into that ecosystems version of the game.

Technically, international characters are symbols, which also are "letters" applying to that language.
Shapes are just...shapes.

Technically, international characters are symbols, which also are "letters" applying to that language.
Shapes are just...shapes.
Technically, three fourths of the "Shapes" on Playstation controllers are Greek letters. Triangle is Delta, X is Chi, and O is Omicron. So there's that...

Sticking With Xbox
Since 94, I never trusted(and still don't trust) a console or a company with buttons that don't have letters or numbers, but shapes.

And square is one of the really squiggly ones that simply didn't load with your current codex.

Sticking With Xbox
To be fair, I never know what they will do in each game. So, by default, I don't trust them.

So, exactly like Destiny 1?
Awesome. Hopefully the PS exclusives are so good that I can justify buying it on both systems.

- No text -

Im feeling ganged up on by group intimidation. You don't have the right to oppress my feelings.
Also, anyone want to spill some blood in crucible right now.

Also, anyone want to spill some blood in crucible right now.
Jumped off to watch some basketball or I'd join you

Jumped off to watch some basketball or I'd join you
Bungie will miss the perfect opportunity to activate the basketball court in the King's Fall raid for March Madness.

Jumped off to watch some basketball or I'd join you
Bungie will miss the perfect opportunity to activate the basketball court in the King's Fall raid for March Madness.
That just made me sad

And when it is announced?

Activision, Not Sony
I know that it's Sony, Activision and Bungie's doing. However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony.
I very much doubt that you know that, or that it is true.
It is very likely that Activision *did* propose this deal, and that either Sony accepted it, or outbid MS. It's possible that MS balked at paying extra for access they used to get without a negotiation when they owned Bungie, and it's also possible that their minority stake in Bungie entitles them to get their beak wet on the deal anyway, at least insofar as anything that Sony does that increases sales of Destiny, regardless of what platform it is on, makes their shares in Bungie worth more.
I also know that Activision/Bungie still agreed to it. I also know that It's always greener on the other side and that if Microsoft was doing this it might feel differently.
But the fact of the matter is, Sony is making these sort of things happen to sway XBox owners to get a PS4 and I'm saying that it's not working at all, in fact it's making it worse.
If you think that this is meant to do something else, I'm all ears. But as a potential customer, this is what I'm getting from it, and what I see about this situation is all that should really matter to Sony. I'm a customer. I would rather be seen as a gamer, or even a consumer to them. In this case, I don't feel that way.
No, not at all. That is what exclusives are for. These deals are designed to keep Sony owners on the platform, not to bring in new customers. It's possible that people will either switch to, or add a Sony platform to get access to games like Last of Us, Nier: Automata and Bloodborne. Not to get access to cross-platform titles early. If anything, it just means that people who own both consoles will be more likely to play cross-platform titles on the platform with the extra perks, and Sony almost certainly gets something on the sale of each game and possibly each DLC sale and in-game sale, as well as driving usage of PlayStation Plus.

Activision, Not Sony
I very much doubt that you know that, or that it is true.
But it is true, at least from what I have been told. Sony wanted Bungie to unveil Destiny at the PlayStation event. Pretty badly from the sound of it. So the deal that was struck included the reveal and the exclusivity for the money. This idea that there was bidding with Microsoft is just fiction at this point.
As I mentioned before Harold made the deal. There were a lot of people at Bungie surprised by it, and also not nessesarily approving creatively. Harold probably would have had to consult with Activision but I can't speak to that.

Activision, Not Sony
I very much doubt that you know that, or that it is true.
But it is true, at least from what I have been told. Sony wanted Bungie to unveil Destiny at the PlayStation event. Pretty badly from the sound of it. So the deal that was struck included the reveal and the exclusivity for the money. This idea that there was bidding with Microsoft is just fiction at this point.As I mentioned before Harold made the deal. There were a lot of people at Bungie surprised by it, and also not nessesarily approving creatively. Harold probably would have had to consult with Activision but I can't speak to that.
Well, I have to admit I have no special sources or references to make.
I honestly can't explain how or why Sony would have such a particular desire to propose this for Destiny in particular, nor why Bungie would make such a deal without at least giving MS a similar option. Unless the point of Sony's deal wasn't to secure exclusive content for itself, but to deny even separate but equal exclusive content to its competitor.
Even so I don't think Sony really expects to get people to switch just based on that. Maybe between generations-- I had the option to go PS4 at the start of this generation, but decided not to. Destiny being on the platform meant it was possible-- if it had been an Xbox exclusive there'd have been no question. If there had been cross-play between the platforms, I really might have gone PS4.