
PS4 gets early beta access is only turning me away (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Thursday, March 23, 2017, 18:10 (2893 days ago) @ Korny

These kinda practices are just turning me away rather than drawing me to buy a PS4. I was even considering buying one for some other games. But now? Way to go Sony, you might have had a new customer. Either way, I wouldn't have switched consoles just for Destiny 2 :D

Funny how Sony gets the blame instead of Activision.

"Sony offered more money than Microsoft for this deal? THANKS SONY, YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A NEW CUSTOMER!"
It's kind of dumb, and I doubt you'd say "Xbox is getting the exclusives this time? LATER MICROSOFT, HELLO SONY!"

Shouldn't let publisher deals for exclusive content sway you when flat-out exclusive games don't have you decrying the companies.

I know that it's Sony, Activision and Bungie's doing. However, I also know that Activision/Bungie didn't propose this deal, it was Sony. I also know that Activision/Bungie still agreed to it. I also know that It's always greener on the other side and that if Microsoft was doing this it might feel differently.

Do you have a source for Sony proposing this deal? The poster just leaked, where are you getting this info?

I don't have sources, it's more of a gut feeling, should have phrased that differently :D

But the fact of the matter is, Sony is making these sort of things happen to sway XBox owners to get a PS4 and I'm saying that it's not working at all, in fact it's making it worse.

Microsoft has done the exact same thing. Heck, they've made entire games exclusive for a year. Why are we nitpicking who does what? It's a business practice. Sure would be sunshine and rainbows if neither company did this, but you are choosing to villify just one company for having some exclusive content or an early beta?

Exclusivity is on a different level as releasing a game early. Exclusivity means far less work and money, it's a reason in itself. Releasing a game early means you have made the game for multiple platforms and you are just choosing to release to one platform over the other.

I'm not trying to villify a single company. But in my case, I'm saying that a company, Sony, is trying to use tactics that hurt my playing experience to entice me to their side. They are using the stick instead of the carrot. I take that back, they are flaunting a carrot in my face to use their product that I don't want to use. But they are degrading my experience with a game I like just to sell their product. Anyone who does that is on my black list.

If you think that this is meant to do something else, I'm all ears. But as a potential customer, this is what I'm getting from it, and what I see about this situation is all that should really matter to Sony.

I'm a customer. I would rather be seen as a gamer, or even a consumer to them. In this case, I don't feel that way.

All I know is that Sony has never forced me to buy their peripherals, or forced me to sit on the sidelines why they catered to the sports and TV crowd. In that sense, Microsoft has actively failed to see their customers are gamers, and more as wallets and possible subscribers (remember that they even required you to have Gold in order to watch Netflix on their console).

I don't want to sound like I'm rich or anything, but I frankly don't care about the money aspect. I care that this competition between Microsoft and Sony is degrading my experience with the people and games I play with. I totally believe in healthy competition, but when it starts affecting the players, that is just irresponsible. Again, I don't care if it's Sony or Microsoft. In my case, right now, it's Sony.

I dunno. Paying more money to snag some exclusive content is obviously a smart business move to appeal to potential customers (although some clearly see it as a personal affront, but whatevs), but it also shows that they are willing to actively cater to the existing base as well (sales-wise, Xbox has been thoroughly beaten this generation, so they don't really neeeeed to be paying for exclusive content, it wouldn't hurt them to let Xbox get the stuff this time, but clearly they think that Destiny 2 continuing to be the complete Destiny experience is worth missing out on one guy who takes business decisions personally).

I'm really curious how much of the player base actually bought an entire console just to get the extra content. Because, no offense to those people, I would never do that. I might, however pay money to get that particular content on top of what I bought.

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