
I Have Seen The Light... PS4 side... (Destiny)
and I...BELIEVE.
All I had was doubt. Doubt the possibility for 6 scruffy first-timers(or ANYONE, for that matter) could kill two Major Knights, two Major Wizards, another four Major Knights, two other other Major Knights, six other other other Major Knights, three Major Ogres, and a Major Swordbearer and carry a Sword of Crota across an entire coliseum and kill an Ultra Wizard in two minutes and thirty seconds. But not only did the team DBO prove me wrong, I grabbed the sword out of panicked instinct and became the last vestige of proof my own damn self.
So not only did they prove me wrong, I proved myself wrong. A last second win dropped an insane amount of prizes for all of us. And of course, Bungie killed us anyway. Classic Crota!
So yes, I'm stuffing my face with Humble Pie, and leave you with the nugget of delirious joy that sometimes, even the impossible can be done.
It was literally down to the last second for the PS4 crew last night. Holy cow was that ever a nail-biter! Someone needs to share the video.
Well done Morpheus.
Complete thread:
- I Have Seen The Light... -
2017-03-29, 01:54
- I Have Seen The Light... - ChrisTheeCrappy, 2017-03-29, 11:38
- My perspective - unoudid, 2017-03-29, 11:46
- I Have Seen The Light... PS4 side... -
2017-03-29, 13:10
- I Have Seen The Light... PS4 side... -
2017-03-29, 14:08
- I Have Seen The Light... PS4 side... - dogcow, 2017-03-29, 15:20
- I Have Seen The Light... PS4 side... -
2017-03-29, 14:08