
My thoughts on this (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, March 31, 2017, 21:57 (2618 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Your arguments are also anecdotal. And make many assumptions while being severely reductive. You are assuming where money is allocated. How much, when, and how it is allocated. Disregarding alternate income (promotions, varied revenue sources) and that money can simply be shifted.

I think my arguments are grounded in logic, not anecdotes. If the point of sale is pre-launch, the content of the game is not important to making the sale, only the pre-launch advertising is. If the point of sale is post-launch, then the content of the game is very important to making the sale and advertising serves to get the word out about that content.

This one wasn't.

Even at this early stage, the content of Destiny is very important to me even though I have only about a paragraph of vague details about the game. Yes, I will be paying money sight unseen, but I'm willing to do so because of Bungie's long history of making games and because I liked the last game in the Destiny series. Sure, there is an assumption on my part that I'm going to get something more than a sticky note that says "Thanks for the preorder, now go to hell. - Love Bungie." but if that's what I got I would at the very least return the game and my preorder would be nullified.

And then the real backlash would start. There would be very few sells as the early adopters would tell everyone that there is no Destiny 2, there's just a virtual sticky note. There would be an unending stream of criticism from players and the gaming press. There might even be lawsuits and there would certainly be mass firings at Bungie and Activision by the time it was all done. And then I and millions of others would not even consider buying a Bungie game for several years.

You seriously need to rethink your argument, starting with the part that you think people don't care about the content of a game they are preordering. You could argue that they are putting more faith in the developer than someone who orders post launch after reading a number of well written reviews, but "...then content of the game is not important to making the sale..." is so bizarre a claim that I'm honestly not sure if you are trolling us.

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