
Sloppy, but you got the job done! (Destiny)
Sorry I didn't join you guys, unexpectedly had my brother over.
Why the noticeable delay in grabbing the Relic during each teleport?
Not everyone in our group was comfortable using the Relic. I'm comfortable with it, but since I was running in mostly-silent mode, I wasn't the ideal choice to take it. So I took a moment to look around and see who else had been teleported with me, just to make sure I didn't grab it out from under Cyber or Ottermack. Plus, during the 2nd phase, I got teleported with very little health left, so I was reluctant to be the one grabbing the Relic and rushing the snipers. Either way, taking a moment before picking up the Relic doesn't actually cause much of a problem.
Ah, I didn't realize that you were in Silent mode. Guess I just automatically hear what you would say, and my brain makes it canon.
Does slamming the ground below the Oracle no longer work, or why were you specifically waiting for the charged shot?
If slamming does still work, we certainly couldn't get it happening consistently. Several of our wipes happened due to the Relic carrier missing a charged-shot and then trying unsuccessfully to melee or slam the Oracle.
Well dang, maybe they buffed the Oracle health?
Why did 5 and 6 run in one at a time?
We found getting everyone "inside" the portal ASAP far more successful than making sure it all happened in a perfectly sequential order. We were all watching the text in the bottom-left corner to see who had killed each Oracle. So the plan was basically "get inside and shoot Oracles until you see your name pop up, then get out."
Wha? Getting folks inside ASAP is indeed the ideal way to do it. My question was why you didn't do that. Unless I'm seeing things wrong, it looked like 6 waited until 5 was out to run inside, rather than going in and helping shoot the Oracle (remember that 5 and 6 can both unload into Oracle 5, then whoever didn't get the kill could stay behind and shoot 6).
Why did the Relic holder (you) stay inside until 6 was done rather than wait outside for the cleanse? Do you go blind faster than before?
Standing outside the portal is a great way to get blown up by Supplicants ;)
Plus, we found it more helpful to have them inside, cleansing the Oracle-shooters as often as possible.
Gotcha. Well, hopefully you're on earlier tonight so we can see if we can do it better. ;)
Complete thread:
- Atheon Challenge completion (PS4 crew video) -
2017-04-05, 03:42
- +1
- CyberKN, 2017-04-05, 04:00
- Sloppy, but you got the job done! -
2017-04-05, 11:06
- Sloppy, but you got the job done! -
2017-04-05, 11:46
- Sloppy, but you got the job done! -
2017-04-05, 12:05
- Sloppy, but you got the job done! -
2017-04-05, 12:46
- Sloppy, but you got the job done! - Vortech, 2017-04-05, 16:20
- Sloppy, but you got the job done! -
2017-04-05, 12:46
- Sloppy, but you got the job done! -
2017-04-05, 12:05
- Sloppy, but you got the job done! -
2017-04-05, 11:46
- +1