Story Question - What now for the Hive? (Destiny)
I'm a little slim on my understanding of exactly how things go lore-wise with Oryx's demise, so please be gentle. But as I understand it, guardians killed just about anyone that mattered at the top of the Hive hierarchy, including Crota, Oryx, his sisters, the doom-singers (or whatever) and every other Tom, Dick, and Harry at the top of the power structure.
So what do we think about the Hive going forward? From what we've seen of D2 so far, it appears that the Cabal will be the primary enemy we face next. Does that mean the Hive recede from the story?
I assume the Hive's tribute hierarchy will still feed the worm of whoever/whatever is at the top of the heap remaining, but that will be nothing more than a mid-level boss kind of thing, right?
My impression of D1 is that the Hive were the primary enemy, with the Vex as good, close second, while the Cabal and Fallen were much less relevant. In terms of sheer power, I'd put the Cabal and the Vex at the top of the heap in D2, with the Fallen and Hive taking major steps back. And you could argue that the Fallen were weak to begin with.
All that said, might we see a new enemy? How relevant can the Hive and Fallen actually be in D2? All Cabal and Vex makes D2 a dull boy, no? Yes? No?