Vehicles don't matter... (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Monday, May 22, 2017, 13:52 (2832 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Okay, provocative title aside... The mechanic of vehicles doesn't really matter, but they brought important dynamics into Halo that are sorely missing in Destiny.

Put it this way. What goal did Vehicles serve in the Halo sandbox:

- The gave us sections that could feel different and break up the action.
- They provided on the moment options in the sandbox that created interesting play.

The thing is, Destiny doesn't need really developed vehicle play for the first. They kind of already do it in the first case, but it's done pretty poorly.

The second is kind of getting at a core issue of destiny. In a game designed to be replayed, and replayed a lot, it's sandbox still isn't really very dynamic. Thining to some of the larger fights in Halo games you could use vehicles in lots of crazy ways. Halo 3 often let you use ghosts, choppers, warthogs or tanks in the same setpiece fight. Halo also had a ton of verbs about vehicles, you could drive one, work the gun, board one to take it over, board it to destroy it, flip it over. Destiny really only lets you destroy them or pilot/shoot from them Destiny, especially in the heavily replayed elements, *needs* that kind of dynamism. They could do it other ways, but it's limited by lots of other design issues.

IMO, the dynamis is the issue here, not the vehicles. Vehicles would be a great method tot tackle it though.

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