
It was a strange sole source. My alarms went off. (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, May 22, 2017, 16:18 (2832 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN

I'm not surprised it arrived late. This was bad news for some fans and Bungie probably was already feeling heat over the lack of 60fps on PS4 Pro. They may have sole sourced it to him on condition it not be released until today.

Key word there is "some." As in few. The general feeling in the fan community is that the out-of-game Grimoire was no bueno. Some just didn't care about it, but even among those who did like the content (like myself), most felt that its implementation felt like an afterthought at best. Not everyone will agree, of course, but the idea that there would be some big uproar over this change strikes me as odd.

Personally, I won't miss the web implementation at all - its out-of-the-way location meant that I didn't spend as much time perusing it as I do some of the lore pages in other games. But I liked the stories it told, and I hope the new game finds a way to still have them. Even something as simple as putting the same sort of content in hidden areas of the game (which starts to sound like Reach's data pads) would be welcome.

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