I have a theory with destiny and the 7 heavens myth

by adamj004, Friday, August 16, 2013, 07:48 (3913 days ago)

Sometime earlier this year I came across an ancient myth called the 7 heavens and after the destiny arg and big reveal back in february I noticed that there were things that I believed connected to this myth. Such as the ARG poems, the enemy races, locations such as the black garden.

I wanted ask anyone if they think the same as me, I a made a post about it that I'll link you to as it is quite a lot of info to post here. I just love the back story bungie does with their games like halo and marathon and how they connect them mythology and such, I just find it fascinating.

My post is quite big and might have some grammar errors but I went over to correcnt them, but I was just wanting to know what others think of it. Here is the link


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