I have a theory with destiny and the 7 heavens myth

by adamj004, Friday, August 16, 2013, 07:48 (3957 days ago)

Sometime earlier this year I came across an ancient myth called the 7 heavens and after the destiny arg and big reveal back in february I noticed that there were things that I believed connected to this myth. Such as the ARG poems, the enemy races, locations such as the black garden.

I wanted ask anyone if they think the same as me, I a made a post about it that I'll link you to as it is quite a lot of info to post here. I just love the back story bungie does with their games like halo and marathon and how they connect them mythology and such, I just find it fascinating.

My post is quite big and might have some grammar errors but I went over to correcnt them, but I was just wanting to know what others think of it. Here is the link



I have a theory with destiny and the 7 heavens myth

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, August 16, 2013, 19:43 (3956 days ago) @ adamj004

Interesting stuff. I liked where you linked the garden of eden to the Destiny garden concept art. Other than that though I didn't feel like the myths meshed very well with the stuff from Destiny. I think you heart is in the right place, Bungie has certainly used myth and religion as clues in the past, but I just wasn't feeling it this time.

Thanks for posting though!

I have a theory with destiny and the 7 heavens myth

by Risay117, Friday, August 16, 2013, 20:28 (3956 days ago) @ adamj004

So any way i posted your link on to Bungie.net forums.Link
I believe you guys should more or less keep that topic on top of the forum cause its one of the few new gems that the community should discuss about.

I have a theory with destiny and the 7 heavens myth

by adamj004, Friday, August 30, 2013, 09:51 (3943 days ago) @ Risay117

Thank's very much i appreciate it. I made an update at the bottom that my theory post if you want to check it out, it's not a big update just a small paragraph so it's not a long read.

It's about how bungie hasn't been showing us anything on neptune or uranus and how destiny seems to be only concentrated on mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, the moon and the sun, just like the 7 heavens myth has done.

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