
Winners have been chosen, finally!

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Friday, August 16, 2013, 08:42 (3956 days ago)

I finally got around to picking winners of my card submission contest v2
I will start off by saying we have received many since I ended submissions awhile ago, and this is only for that period. I love many new additions, but they were out of scope for this.

Also, none of these are final and may or may not be chosen for inclusion.

Winner time!

we have some repeat winners.... hmmm.... I tried to avoid it, but it kinda just seemed to happen.

Not all of these are by the same authors, but they are submissions I enjoyed together, but the author did make at least one of the black/white card combos they are credited with.

Bluerunner :
Kermit is a nice guy, but his collection of "A shotgun shell with Korny's name on it" shows his darker side

Besides the Halos, the forerunner also used "Apartment 117" to combat the flood

This "Brute Pimp" is not a natural formation

Bluerunner wins an avatar item for his iron resolve, and Nikko since you've already won an avatar item previously (still haven't emailed me to claim it.) You will get a doom 3 avatar item I acquired last PAX.

And our grand winner is:

I am 343 Guilty Spark, my function is to "Halt! Hammerzeit"

We're the b.org; you will be "faaabulous"

Spawning on your Bro, "Bip. Bap. Bam." style

The General, you really kicked it up this round. You win the Champions Bundle when it comes out on the 20th. I will find a way to procure it or ms points so you may purchase it free of charge.

Winners, please email me at padraig08@live.com to claim your prizes, and thanks everybody for your submissions. I hear the cards are nearly ready, I hope your bodies are.


Winners have been chosen, finally!

by bluerunner @, Music City, Friday, August 16, 2013, 09:19 (3956 days ago) @ MrPadraig08

Do you have any kind of statistics on the submissions? Something like the total number of submissions and the number of cards the pack will contain.


Winners have been chosen, finally!

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Friday, August 16, 2013, 09:52 (3956 days ago) @ bluerunner

Nothing is final yet, but it's looking like 80ish Black Cards to 140+ white cards.

Still tweaking it right now, but it's looking glorious so far.

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