
What if our own Guardians were a Fireteam? (Destiny)
There's a thing I've been wanting to do for a while, but I never got around to it (until now). Showing my three Guardians as a single Fireteam:
To me, each of my Guardians has a distinct personality. For example, my Xbox Hunter was ditzy and impatient (Since I couldn't jump worth a crap with her, and rushing into a fray as a hunter is a terrible idea, but I'd do it anyway). When I got rid of my Xbox, that Hunter was the one thing that I missed... So a while back, I deleted my boring PS4 Hunter and brought her over, making her "the new guy". (RIP in Peace, Hunterbro)
I wanted to imagine my own Guardians as a single fireteam, and what shenanigans they might get into. Especially with that inexperienced Hunter teaming up with two Guardians who've seen it all...
Trying to teach her the importance of studying.
She finally found a book she liked... An arts & crafts book...
My Guardians don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating... and it gets everywhere.
I'll try to make more.