Fixed broken stuff, and a fun clip (Destiny)
Korny pointed out that in the last couple of days, the ability to post YouTube vids on our forum had disappeared. Turns out we were redirecting to '', which is a no-no on a secure site... so browsers weren't showing the content.
Easy fix, and I applied it to Vimeo vids as well (even though nobody actually USES them here). I started to apply the fix to embeds, but realized that they don't HAVE a secure server, so unless someone figures out a clever solution, we can no longer embed these vids here. :(
(I also cleared out cache entries containing youtube links; this is because the cached versions had the converted links, rather than the bbcode links, which means they used the old http-style, and therefore wouldn't show any vids. If you load an old post, and you don't see a video that should be there, hit reload; the problem is a cached version on YOUR computer.)
While testing the xboxdvdr stuff, I noticed a recent vid I'd grabbed, and was amused - so I clipped it to post here:
Thanks, Speedracer!