
Loadout Lock (Destiny)

by Robot Chickens, Thursday, July 06, 2017, 12:00 (2492 days ago) @ electricpirate

I'm also really excited about this change. I think one of the subtle strengths of Halo was the 2 weapon limit. Granted- you could change these two weapons by picking up another, but it still forced you to make choices. In D1, you could pull any weapon up at any time and this variety actually made encounters less dynamic (everyone switch to black spindle here, etc). I think that this will help players find a niche. Do you bring Fatebringer, or Gjallarhorn? Sniper or shotgun?

I can imagine this getting frustrating when raiding though. Especially blind raiding. Hopefully the raids are designed in such a way that weapon choice, while it matters, doesn't make something impossible if you've chosen the wrong loadouts.

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