Regarding Luke Smith's wardrobe change during reveal event (Destiny)
For those that may not have noticed, during the DRE (Destiny Reveal Event), Luke Smith changed hooded sweatshirts during a short break in the middle of his presentation. I have been thinking about the significance of his hoodies from his abrupt wardrobe change for weeks now. There have been various conversations regarding the wardrobe change around the internet (Reddit). This conversation was intensified recently during the PlayStation Lifestyle interview where Smith was questioned by a particularly observant press member; regarding the wardrobe change.
PSLS: I have to ask, you wore two different hoodies there on stage. I went back and I re-watched that whole thing, and I did a 4,000-word recap, and I noticed you wore two different hoodies with two different symbols there. Is there any significance to that?
LS: I always have a reason and with stuff like that, that’s always pretty deliberate. There’s almost always a plan. And with reason and plan, there will also be a time for the reveal.
PSLS: So you are teasing something there?
LS: You know, it’s funny. That particular trick is a trick that I had used internally on the team before, where I’ve had different presentations where I’ve done hoodie changes with other stuff. In [The Taken King] we did it where, all the foundries for the game, like Suros, Omolon– we hadn’t really made those foundries real until TTK, and I worked with Jim who is our [visual department] lead, and he and I talked about well, what if I changed clothes between talks for the team. It was just a funny idea and for DRE I had an idea again, and let’s do that trick on a little bigger stage. Give the fans something to talk about. I’ve seen a bunch of pretty interesting analysis, and I’m excited for the day when we can find out if the analysis was right or not.
- Hoodie 1:
- Hoodie 2:
- The First hoodie has not been definitively identified as of yet. A possible tie to Osiris has been hypothesized (color scheme).
- The prevailing thought regarding Hoodie 2 is that the Blue circles are spheres from the pre-Destiny Alpha Lupi experience (ARG-ish event). This seems potentially plausible.
Amongst other ideas, I have been thinking that the color scheme and symbology remind me of Cabal ship/computer control stations around Mars and The Dreadnaught. Rather than slog through the game manually (and with no good form of capture) I turned to the net for some links. I found a great link with a few of these control stations pictured.
I wasn't able to find an exact matched out symbol or symbol set (triangle rounded corners, sphere separately).
I was just circling back to have another look at the Cabal Empire themed emblem and short sword (circular symbols on sword blade) that is included with the Digital Deluxe, Limited, and Collector's Editions of Destiny 2:
Beside the symbols on the sword I especially wanted to re-examine the cup/chalice, since it keeps reminding me of a classic optical illusion - Rubin Vase (2 faces vs. vase, candlestick, cup).
The cup/chalice in the Destiny emblem features a ball (or knop) midway up the figure and I was thinking if you drew a triangle under it toward the base/foot of the cup it would fit just about perfectly. Then I looked to the right and noticed in the larger portion of the image a sphere with a triangle underneath it...
Similar? Except the corners are not rounded off