
Benefits of a Clan (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Friday, September 08, 2017, 13:13 (2716 days ago) @ Schooly D

I'm still not entirely clear on what I'm supposed to do with a D2 clan, but I'll figure it out.

If you're in an active clan, you will earn additional engrams each week. Looking in-game, it looks like you'll get an engram for the following occasions (one reward per week)

As long as there's a single fireteam that completes those activities with the minimum number of clan members, everyone in the clan should get the rewards.

As a bonus, higher-level clans get better rewards during in-game activities:

And of course being in a clan means quick access to invite or join other clan members who are playing destiny - they appear in your roster on the right. Destiny at it's core is a social/community shooter, right?

Smaller clans will be at a disadvantage; it'll take more time to level up the clan and will probably require more effort to earn the weekly engram rewards. DBO XBL is currently at 33,750/100,000 on it's way to level 2.

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