Non spoiler - is the raid awesome? (Destiny)
That's all I want to know.
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I thought you weren't getting Des2ny :-p
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I'm not. I watched the whole thing on Twitch.
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Streaming it now:
Still waiting on the full party, but here's the stream if anyone is interested:
Better than D1? And if so, how much (your opinion)?
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If he doesn't play it.... what does it matter?
No offense to Cyber, but, if he isn't\hasn't played it himself isn't it a moot point?
IDK, I guess that's just my opinion.
Rev's right, that's impossible for me to judge.
You just asked if it was awesome, and from what I saw I feel pretty comfortable answering in the affirmative.
I'm sad that you're not playing.
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It's basically Destiny with zero bullshit. Except for the infusion system. But no grinding required.
Might the Hard Mode raid support a 9-player fireteam?
If you look at anyone playing the raid, it says that the area has 6/9 players in it, but the max fire team is capped at six. Either it's a UI glitch, or the raid is meant to host up to nine players...
Interesting stuffs!
Maybe there's a social space on it. Didn't the Lighthouse host up to nine players in Year 3?
Might the Hard Mode raid support a 9-player fireteam?
Maybe there's a social space on it. Didn't the Lighthouse host up to nine players in Year 3?
Based on the raid tokens that my clan got from the first encounter's reward chest, I'm assuming that there is a social space.
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