What's the PS4 blind raid situation? (Destiny)
Are people still needed? Is a time agreed upon; people were talking about the 22nd, is that still the case or is it being pushed back?
If I join in, any thoughts on ballpark level I should aim for? I'm in the upper 260s right now.
Still blind, looking for a nearly totally blind team
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Me too! (braindead AOLer). I'm blind & am getting closer.
I'm around 220, but I expect to get lots of gaming in this week as my wife will be out of town.
What's the PS4 blind raid situation?
My raid on the 22 is all compromised, basically.
Myself, Korny, and Sammy are all signed up, but we're hopefully going to tackle the last encounter tonight, so we're all out in terms of being blind.
I think I'm just going to delete the event since it's no longer really relevant for a blind raid and let Pyro or whoever create a different one.
As I said last time, I'm totally willing to help out and just keep my mouth shut and do what I'm told, but that's not really a good situation for anyone, and, realistically, after spending all week on the raid this past week, it'd be real tough going for me to stay dedicated to. I'm totally willing to spend the weekend helping out though, if you all need it.
What's the PS4 blind raid situation?
Still blind. Omegaclown and we're talking about trying to get a couple shorter sessions in this week, since the semi blind raid on Sunday didn't work out.
Just for clarity's sake, I went ahead and deleted my old Blind raid event for this upcoming Friday and started a new one for the fireteam I've been running with to give it another shot this week.
That blind event was basically just that crew and then a few people looking for a still blind crew, and it was just a mess, and bound to be a source of confusion.
So if you want to do a blind raid, make a new event! It still seems like there's enough folks out there to get a fireteam together.
I'm sorry if that event caused confusion for folks--I should have deleted or edited that event when I joined the one Cody created.
What's the PS4 blind raid situation? New event to coordinate
I've created a new event for people who are still interested in a blind raid. I've set the time to something ridiculous, so hopefully it's apparent we won't really be playing at 3am or 6am or whenever it is in your timezone.
If you are still blind and interested in doing a blind run please sign up so we can know if we have enough to possibly field a team.