
Possibly easier strategy from the XBox crew (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Tuesday, September 26, 2017, 13:57 (2643 days ago) @ Korny

Raid spoilers below

This approach to the Gauntlet can be tough for some guardians due to the number of tasks everyone must perform correctly. Each person who isn't running must get on their platform, monitor the wall to their left (shooting lower when called), shoot their wall (upper when called), melee their psion, and then get back on their platform in time to repeat it - all with good timing. It works, but that's a lot to ask of some guardians.

An alternative approach:
Split the group into two teams of three. Instead of each "inside" person being responsible for a fixed platform and two walls, assign two people instead to follow each runner around the room. With this approach, one of the inside pair ignores the psion - they just need to hop on the next platform and shoot the upper wall. The second of the inside pair ignores the platform - they just need to melee the psion and shoot the next lower wall. The pair move clockwise around the room with their runner. The individual workload inside is reduced, and groups I've run with have all had more success with this strategy.

When it comes time for the entire fireteam to run the gauntlet, it's also easier to split up who gets which psionic energy ball - the two teams of 3 just alternate. The "beast team" (that start on beast initially) grabs can energy at the first and third walls, and the "cup team" can grabs energy at the second and fourth walls. It's easier for just three people to call dibs on one of 4 balls (and there's always a spare if there's a conflict).

Sherpa notes: Obviously the guardians who are best at mobility can run the Gauntlet, but I'd put your best shooters on psion melee duty, the weakest guardians on platform duty, and the guys left over should run.

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