Is there a Leviathan for idiots guide? (Destiny)
We have a raid later, and I searched up some guides on it but they are all hueg and long and seem to have been written shortly after launch. Is there a short simple guide?
***Massive Raid Spoilers***
Getting inside:
First, you don't need to fight any of the guys. Just walk right by them. It's all good.
There are 4 ways in: You can just take the jet engines to the front door and go inside, which will take you to the Castelleum and a fight you could skip, but since it gives you a powerful engram the first time you do it, you may as well do it the first time out.
Second, below the entry gangway is a room with 6 switches. From left to right, the order is 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6. Activate them quickly (use blink and mida and you can do it solo, or coordinate with your whole team) and this will open up the door above the pipes at the base of the grand staircase (just above the jet engines).
Third, the first door on the top tier of the left side area also has six switches. Activate all six at once to turn off the waterfall and give you direct access to the aqueduct portion of the labyrinth.
Lastly, there are four gold buttons on the grand staircase (they mirror one another, so if you find the bottom left button, the bottom right button is in the same place on the right side of the staircase). Step on all four and it generates a hologram of an icon on a little purple dias just below the main entrance at the top of the stairs. Get off the buttons and get on again to change the hologram. When this hologram matches the symbol on the head of the emperor sculpture that looks out over the main entrance, a door will open to embankment (just below the main entrance). You don't need to look at the hologram or anything; you can just get on and off of the buttons until the door clicks.
You should do this fight at least once per raid in order to get the powerful engram from the chest. Split into two groups: One group of 4 on defense and one group of 2 on offense. You'll need to find a plate on the ground with a hologram of either a cup, sun, axes, or dog on it. Step on the plate to start the fight. Offense goes to find the door that corresponds to the symbols (good idea to scout this out before starting the encounter) and defense just defends like mad. Once offense kills the guy, the guy drops a staff that offense needs to pick up and carry back to the initial plate. Then a new hologram will appear telling offense where to go next. Do that three times and you win. Note that after the first staff is placed, guys will spawn with orange health who - if they reach the plate - will return the staves and revive the defeated enemies. Complete this and a door next to the plate will open and a chest will be on the other side.
Gauntlet (first up this week):
You need 4 pillar defenders and 2 runners. The best jumpers in your group should be the runners. The fight starts when each pillar defender is standing on their pillar. Three waves of six adds each should spawn at each pillar, followed by a wave of orange health shield guys who float in the air and fire rockets. The pillar defenders need to kill adds in their area (you do NOT need to stay on the pillar at this stage) while the runners help out one side or the other (usually we have one runner help dog and sun pillars and one runner help cups and axes pillars). After the centurions die, orbs will appear at sun and cups pillars. Each runner picks one of these up, which starts the "race." The pillar defenders need to get back on top of their pillars and equip accurate weapons (scouts, probably). The runners will see a 3x3 grid of circles. One circle will be lit red. Runners need to call out the symbol (above the circles) and which row has the red circle in it. This is the circle *not* to shoot for the other people. So if the call is "Cups middle" then the pillar defenders will need to shoot the top and bottom arrows at the cups section of the room. We like to have the people who own the pillar shoot the higher of the two triangles, and the person who is helping shoot the lowest triangle, When the right triangles (pun!) are shot, all of the circles that the runner sees will turn green and an orb will appear in the one that had been red. Jump through the circle with the orb so you can be sure you got the orb. Rinse and repeat the callouts, triangle shooting, and literal hoop jumping until each runner has gone all the way around the arena. After crossing the finish line, the runners need to slam dunk their balls into the middle of the elevator in the middle of the room. Rinse and repeat the whole thing. Once you've slammed a total of six balls, a new phase (phase 3) will start. Everyone will run the gauntlet! Each 3x3 gate will have 4 orbs in it. The runners should skip the first set of orbs and collect the second (and so forth). As long as everyone makes it to the 3rd gate, you can win before their death timer runs out. At least 3 of you need to make it out and slammo the middle thing, at which point... YOU WIN!!!
More later. For now I must sleep.
Is there a Leviathan for idiots guide?
It's not brief, but:
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Is there a Leviathan for idiots guide?
~850 words is as tight as I can make it, Funk.
Castellum: 3 people find the triangular plate with the glowing symbol above it and defend it. 3 people find the door with that symbol and kill the yellow bar there. Take his drop to the plate and repeat for door 2. For the 3rd symbol, have 4 defenders and two attackers. Melee floaty psions to remove invincibility. When all 3 sticks are in the plate, proceed through the now-open door.
Gauntlet: 4 people, each on a cylindrical platform. Kill adds. 2 runners grab orb at Beast and Cups. Runners run clockwise and call out the symbol they see (sun, cup, beast, axes) and which circle is red (top, middle, bottom). Person on that platform shoots one of the triangles that wasn't called out. Person on another platform shoots the other triangle not called out (you can pair up helpers, or everyone can help to their left or right). Runner can then proceed, making sure to pick up another orb in the wall. Platform person must melee floaty psion that appears and get back on their plate before the next runner needs a triangle shot. Runners dunk in the center when they're out. Complete 3 cycles of 2 runners. Everyone then grabs an orb and runs the circle. Runners get orbs at wall 2 and 4, everyone else gets orbs at wall 1 and 3. Dunk in the center when you're out and mind the gaps.
Royal Pools: One person on each corner plate, 2 start in center (one team of three are left and the other team of three are right) Walk over orb to gain temporary protection from water while standing on circular plates for as long as possible to expose lanterns in center room. Center person runs to a corner to relieve that person, who travels to center to grab another protection orb and then runs to relieve the other person on their side. Continue the rally until a tone rings. Meet in center, 4 guardians stand on plate and destroy lanterns until their protection runs out. 2 guardians kill ads (roaming supers good), and swap with lantern killers when their protection runs out. Healing rift in center helps. Kill yellow bar bathers quick whenever you see them, and the floaty psion. Repeat until 9 lanterns destroyed.
Pleasure Gardens: 4 guardians on the ground carrying pollen while avoiding 6 roaming beasts (on fixed patrol routes). Ground team moves together to fixed flower locations. 2 guardians with prisms up top standing in light beams redirect light to each flower the ground team reaches to add a damage buff to everyone near (12x per flower if all four people are close to it). Flowers can only be seen/shot from certain light beams - prisms call out which flowers are purple/active so ground team can get to them. Prisms also shoot snipers that appear after each flower is hit. Don't get spotted on the ground, but if you do each guardian must damage (but not kill) their own beast when it runs to a specific flower. Prisms must shoot their beast from the ground to get the damage buff. Beasts will eventually see you anyway. You have 40 seconds after beasts roar to damage/kill all 6 and return to the safe room if they're not all dead. Try to get x36 or more on the buff (3+ flowers). When confident the entire team can kill their dogs in the same roar, burn them down. Short-lasting supers, heavy, grenades are best. Early dog deaths reduce stealthy flower time.
Boss: Kill ads until teleported to mind's eye ("outside"), do not kill psions (yet). 3 guardians return via orbs. Outside team will get sucked to their death if they jump or go airborne. Outside team must each call out the symbol they see on boss's forehead as soon as possible - pick a call-out order for clarity. Inside team must melee the psion on the plate that isn't called out. Outside team must also shoot regular psions quickly to avoid being grenaded into the air, shoot floaty psions to avoid a wipe, and avoid ramps and holes that will kill them - there are only a few safe paths. Inside team must melee the correct psion quickly and kill all ads as they appear until the outside reaches the boss head. Outside team then groups together to shoot as many flying skulls as possible - stand in arc soul empowering rift if possible. Inside team must finish ads and drop the boss's shield while being damaged, but they should delay the shield drop as long as possible without dying to give outside team time to kill as many skulls as possible for a team damage buff (healing rift helps inside team survive longer before dropping shield). When shield drops, outside team grabs orbs to teleport back for DPS. All stand on one plate and do damage until the boss aims gun. Move to next plate and repeat. Last plate should get empowering arc soul rift. Repeat all of the above until boss is dead. Boss crit spot will change once to his chest.
***Massive Raid Spoilers***
Excellent write-up!
Note that, post-events, we found 4 switches in the baths that lead into the labyrinth, as well as 4 switches outside the pleasure gardens in the hallway that also lead into the labyrinth.
Shut up and get er done
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Switch guide
Excellent write-up!
Note that, post-events, we found 4 switches in the baths that lead into the labyrinth, as well as 4 switches outside the pleasure gardens in the hallway that also lead into the labyrinth.
speaking of switches :
My group has always found that it’s generally easier and more time efficient to just go do the Castellum fight again, unless you have someone who really knows the underbelly. We usually mop up chests for our keys afterwards, but this is still dangerous. We had a fire team member lose all of his keys last night. That’s at least one person in our group every single week, and only once has it been a result of new character creation. Twice it’s happened within the same session in which the keys were obtained.
Git Gud?
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My group has always found that it’s generally easier and more time efficient to just go do the Castellum fight again, unless you have someone who really knows the underbelly. We usually mop up chests for our keys afterwards, but this is still dangerous. We had a fire team member lose all of his keys last night. That’s at least one person in our group every single week, and only once has it been a result of new character creation. Twice it’s happened within the same session in which the keys were obtained.
One of our guys lost two keys last night. Really crappy bug.
***Massive Raid Spoilers*** cont'd
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***Massive Raid Spoilers*** Cont'd for real
My last post timed out on editing. D'oh.
Again there are four plates in the corners, and one more in the middle pool room. Note that the pool room also has some hanging pink lantern things in 3 groups of 3. Collecting orbs here gives you 50 seconds of immunity to damage from the water. It only counts down when you're actually in the water, so standing on platforms etc. can be helpful if you aren't a symbol guy. Split your team into two groups of 3. One for the right side and one for the left side. To start the fight you need a player on each of the four plates and a firth guy to jump on the plate in the middle room. Guy 5 should be the "C" player for the left hand side (axes is his first stop) given my following example. Also, the 6th player should be sure to grab the orb buff and then hop onto a safe platform on the right hand side (cup, I think) before starting the fight.
Okay, here's how the fight goes down: One player will start on each plate on their side, and the third guy will help the top (higher elevation / back of the room) plate kill his big add first (called "bathers"). It's a braid, basically. Guy A stands on the top plate, guy B stands on the bottom one, and guy C stands on a platform near guy A. When the fight starts, guys A and C murder the bather (he spawns immediately) and then guy C takes over the top plate. Guy A will run through the middle room (which is now the only place to get a refresh of the immunity buff) and then helps guy B kill his add (guy B will probably have to solo this fight though because of how the timing works out). Then guy A takes over for B, B goes and refreshes his buff, and then B helps C with his add, and so forth. Shortly after guy A gets back to his original platform, all of the chains (you'll see what I mean during the fight) will hit the bottom, and whoever is running to the middle to refresh their buff will hit that bonus plate and phase 2 will start.
Phase 2: You need 4 DPSers and 2 Crowd Controllers. Arcstriders are the best crowd control because their super lasts nearly the whole phase (use the arc chest exotic). For DPS, a hammer titan or warlock who has the nova that lasts for a really long time are best. The DPS guys stand on the center plate and then blast the shit out of the pink lanterns. Each guy should be assigned his own set of lanterns to hit, and when you kill your lanterns, turn and help your buddies. It is very possible to destroy them all in a single phase. The crowd control guys need to take turns popping their supers and destroying the bathers who continuously spawn from the three pools in this room. Two arcstrider supers will outlast the entire phase if you pop them in sequence. Whoever isn't supering should just shoot normal adds (especially psions) to help out. When the DPSers' supers wear off, they should use whatever else they have to destroy those lanterns.
You should be able to destroy all of the lanterns during this phase, but if you can't, a psionic projection will appear floating in the center room. DPS this down quickly or it will wipe you (this is easy as long as everyone shoots it). The fight then essentially starts over so everyone goes back to their A, B, and C positions and does it all again until you win.
Pleasure Gardens:
My favorite fight! First clear all of the trash in the room and get as much ammo as you can. There's a pit you can jump into to wipe if you need more ammo. After clearing the trash, two "prism weapons" will appear. The fight starts when the 2nd prism is picked up. There are two sides to this fight. 2 players need to use the prisms and hop from pillar to pillar, standing in beams of light and using the weapons to pop flowers (more on this later) and kill houndmasters who appear. The other four players will drop down into the safe room (there's a hole in the roof) and pick up pollen orbs (there are four of them). Most of this fight is a stealth game. The prism players should direct the other players about where to walk so they aren't seen by the patrolling dogs. Importantly, the dogs cannot hear your footsteps, even when you sprint. We number the potential flower spawns (they look like barnacle clusters) going clockwise from the safe room as L1, L2, L2, and "forest" and going counter-clockwise from the safe room as R1, R2, R3, and "rocks." It will take a little practice for your pollen people to figure out how to navigate the room from flower spawn to flower spawn.
Anyway, you pick up the prisms and six dogs will spawn and start patrolling the space. Also, two flowers will spawn (they glow purple). The prism people need to call out where the flower spawns are, and then help navigate the pollinators to the flowers. All four pollen people should move as a unit. When the pollinators get to a flower, the prism person on that side shoots the flower with the prism and it will "pop." This gives the pollinators a stacking buff for DPS and also spawns two houndmasters (one on each side). The prism people need to immediately kill their houndmaster and then help the other prism guy if needed to kill theirs (they die really quickly, but sightlines are tricky from some places). The goal here is to get a buff of x48 or higher before the hounds "grow restless" (you'll get an alert in the lower left corner of your screen). If the hounds see someone, or a short while after they grow restless, the hounds will start to howl. They will run to specific places to do this: L1, L3, forest, R1, R2, and R3. Each member of the raid should be assigned to a specific dog. Go to the howling place and dps the shit out of the dog. If you have x60 buff or higher, killing them all in 1 phase is possible, but generally you want to dps them down below 1/3rd health and then run back to the safe room (where the pollen spawns, you *must* drop down from the roof to get in). Then you do it all again and the 2nd time you kill them and run to help anyone who needs it. Swords are amazing for dps on the dogs, as are supers.
bored at work. cover art for your masterpiece Kahzgul.
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