An unexpected failure in the Gauntlet. (Destiny)
I was chosen to be a runner. No problem, I watched a video (not enough apparently).
I'm inside waiting for the shield wall to go down. We're off! I look at the wall of holes and ... nothing changes. People are screaming for instructions up until their death throes. The wall of holes was a blank mystery to me. Another attempt, same result. WTF!
So I ask, what was supposed to change? They turn red, was the answer. I say they're already red. Then it hits me, my colour problems. I can't easily perceive the red circle around a red hole. Subsequent attempts helped me figure it out but I may not be able to be a runner because of the time it takes me to process the colours. In this case, I believe a simpler more obvious signal should be applied. Perhaps removing any colour from a hole?