
Xur thread? (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, September 29, 2017, 17:43 (2692 days ago) @ Korny

taking arc damage refills the magazine. Firing after taking arc damage doesn't use shots from the magazine and the buff refreshes on kills. So if you're taking a drip drip of arc damage (like from fallen seeking shots) while killing bad guys, you have infinite ammo without reloading. It's seriously amazing.

And if you're doing the Exodus Black strike, the electrified floor totally counts as taking arc damage. *taps bandana* Infinite ammo.

Infinite chaining arc-damage ammo.


Also standing in vex milk anywhere (on Nessus, for example). You don't even have to stand IN it - you can just move in and move back out every few seconds to refresh the buff and your ammo.

Edit: I see further down that you elaborate on the perks of running Risk...

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