Does being in the raid during reset .... (Destiny)
and having someone join you still enable the other person to save a checkpoint in D2?
Asking for a friend.
Does being in the raid during reset ....
I don't know.
A quick google search didn't find the answer either. I don't know anyone that's tried. Reset time is way too late for me to give it a go. ):
Does being in the raid during reset ....
I don't know.
A quick google search didn't find the answer either. I don't know anyone that's tried. Reset time is way too late for me to give it a go. ):
It is for most people in the U.S. Chappy, once again a nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
I don't know.
A quick google search didn't find the answer either. I don't know anyone that's tried. Reset time is way too late for me to give it a go. ):
The only reason it works for Kermit is because Kermit is old and old people get up early... especially when they fell asleep at 8:49 pm the night before in their la-z-boy recliner with their headset still on and controller in hand.
Did I leave skype on?
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Didn't we just discuss this?
Re: Bungie should allow checkpoints to persist across resets. :P
Chappy is a superhero.
He has either the world's best time management skills, is so rich he has no job, is very easily able to deal with life changes, or is so dedicated to playing games with his friends it's awesome (literally). I would read the comic book.
"Oh no! My raid is resetting! Who will help me?"
"Never fear, madam! It is I, Captain Always-Knows-What-He's-Doing-In-Console-MMOs!"
Didn't we just discuss this?
Re: Bungie should allow checkpoints to persist across resets. :P
Heh. I admitted to doing it only a handful of times (usually because the King's Fall raid was a bit too long).
Extending the last blind raid team on earth's first playthrough might be one of those times that justify the use of the workaround.
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+2 to 100
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