
Happens a lot (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, October 06, 2017, 08:59 (2685 days ago) @ Beorn

So, can anyone tell me what’s going on here? Why am I getting bounced up over that nice little barrier?

I'm always on the "away" team for that encounter and I've seen that happen a lot. Your view does the slightest jiggle before you hop over, so I'm wondering if your teammate bumped into you. No radar in there makes that idea impossible to verify, though. My other thought is that you appeared to be right on this edge between tiles, and you might have gotten popped upward just the slightest bit when transitioning between them:


We've also had just one of us get pulled forward early, like somehow the barrier fails for just one person. It hasn't been an issue as long as the "home" team is fast enough, but it definitely happens from time to time.

This was happening with a frustrating frequency to our "away" fireteam. It would happen not just from this location, but on any barrier, even ones that were more flat than that one (that was the one I bothered recording). I don't think Cody or Vortech bumped me, I turned around after flying away, you can see that they're both on the opposite side.

Perhaps it was because I bumped into that slightly raised tile, but I've stood on that raised tile before w/o a problem... I dunno.

Anyway, I just had to share that for the home team to see.

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