Help I've somehow fallen into an alternate world (Destiny)
In addition, Bungie has announced that the endgame will change to some sort of friendship simulator called the "friendgame", where you will be forced to play with strangers and bond over some sort of shared interest. I'm not sure what common thing we could talk about, people are so different on the internet. I can't think of even a single thing we would have in common.
We all think 343 ruined Halo. OHHHHHHH SNAAAAAP.
Complete thread:
- THAB 10/5 -
2017-10-05, 16:10
- Explaining "Seasons" in Destiny 2. -
2017-10-05, 16:17
- Prepared to be underwhelmed. -
2017-10-05, 17:33
- Prepared to be underwhelmed. - Cody Miller, 2017-10-05, 18:40
- Prepared to be underwhelmed. -
2017-10-05, 17:33
- Iron Banner Hunter Cloak - Grizzlei, 2017-10-05, 18:59
- Help I've somehow fallen into an alternate world -
2017-10-06, 07:48
- Love this post, hate reddit - Kermit, 2017-10-06, 09:25
- Help I've somehow fallen into an alternate world -
2017-10-06, 11:32
- Help I've somehow fallen into an alternate world -
Cody Miller,
2017-10-06, 12:05
- Help I've somehow fallen into an alternate world -
2017-10-06, 14:19
- Help I've somehow fallen into an alternate world - Cody Miller, 2017-10-06, 14:43
- Help I've somehow fallen into an alternate world -
2017-10-06, 14:19
- Help I've somehow fallen into an alternate world -
Cody Miller,
2017-10-06, 12:05
- Wait. Why are they so upset? -
2017-10-06, 20:38
- Because it's reddit, why wouldn't they be? -
2017-10-06, 21:20
- No but I mean what is the friend thing about? I don't get it -
2017-10-07, 00:30
- Friends are people who like to be around you... -
2017-10-07, 06:50
- Friends are people who like to be around you... - Grizzlei, 2017-10-07, 07:21
- Friends are people who like to be around you... - Cody Miller, 2017-10-07, 09:05
- Oh. Not sure about that. - cheapLEY, 2017-10-07, 07:22
- It's a stupid response to DeeJ's story from the TWAB -
2017-10-07, 07:27
- They've hit a new high point of stupidity. -
2017-10-07, 08:14
- Seems pretty par for the course, honestly. - cheapLEY, 2017-10-07, 09:47
- They've hit a new high point of stupidity. -
2017-10-07, 08:14
- Friends are people who like to be around you... -
2017-10-07, 06:50
- No but I mean what is the friend thing about? I don't get it -
2017-10-07, 00:30
- Because it's reddit, why wouldn't they be? -
2017-10-06, 21:20
- Explaining "Seasons" in Destiny 2. -
2017-10-05, 16:17