
Prestige Raid delayed to fix exploit (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Monday, October 09, 2017, 16:36 (2682 days ago) @ Cody Miller


An exploit has been discovered in the Leviathan Raid that causes the encounters to be stripped of their intended challenge. To allow time to fix this issue, we are delaying the start of the Prestige Raid until next week. It’s important to us that the team who earns World First status doesn’t have their legacy tarnished by doubt, skepticism, or uncertainty.

The new start time for the Prestige Raid is Wednesday, October 18, at 10AM Pacific.

guess that's the exploit posted last week that removes all the adds from the final encounter?

Seriously? People will be watching the streams. They'll know immediately if this exploit is used. There's no uncertainty. Even if there were no streams, this is the stupidest reason to delay the raid. Don't make decisions around a really fringe group whose accomplishments don't mean much.

They don't all stream. I know that at least one of the teams that claimed World's First for one of the D1 Raids was not streaming. Some of the teams intentionally don't stream because they don't want other teams to benefit from them figuring things out first.

(In fact, for The Leviathan's race to World's First, Gigz's T1 team was first to beat the raid - but they were not the first to figure things out. Gothalion's crew was ahead of them at pretty much every step in figuring things out, and Gigz's team was able to benefit from the people in his chat telling them how Goth's crew figured out some of the mechanics.)

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