
Bungie Learnt From Their Mistakes, & My End-Game Disconnect. (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, October 20, 2017, 11:00 (2671 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by dogcow, Friday, October 20, 2017, 11:03

They did! I’m legitimately very happy with how Des2ny turned out, and tons of things that I thought were wrong with Destiny were fixed.

Sometimes fans don’t know what they want. Listening is important, but so is doing what you think is right to make a better game. Fans are calling for random rolls to return. That would be a mistake. They want power level to matter again. Another mistake. They want more end game grind. Another mistake! These things lacking are actually awesome!

I think D2 is a much better game than D1 was. I love D2.

Regarding random rolls & people's desire to have them back. IMHO this is just people wanting their digital crack back.

I'm not as hooked as I was on D1, which is a good thing. But for me, I suspect it's not because of the removal of the random rolls, I believe it's because I've just ... "moved on". My 'evidence' for this? The last SRL event & ROI expansion didn't hook/engage me like Vanilla did, yet both had random rolls on stuff. Like you, I also think that bringing back random rolls would be a mistake.

I want to mention that I felt let down with the end-game of D2, and this is an opportunity for me to share, so I'm taking the liberty to do that.

Maybe I missed something, but Destiny 2 didn't pull/lead me into the end-game very well. I finished the campaign & just felt like I didn't know what to do, nor did I feel compelled to do anything (other than the raid, but that was just because of my previous positive experiences with raids). Sure I could run strikes, but I didn't feel they tied into the story. Yeah, I could play PvP, but nobody else was playing when I was ready to & I didn't want to run it solo. There was The Raid, which I eventually got to enjoy, but it felt COMPLETELY disconnected from the main story to me. Where was the story tie-in? I must have missed a cutscene or dialog or something. It felt about as connected to the story as a random strike did, which is to say not connected.

Anyway, mini-rant over. I pretty much love D2, please don't bring back the super-slot-machine bungie.

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