
That's cute (Destiny)

by Grizzlei ⌂ @, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Monday, September 02, 2013, 13:09 (3980 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by Grizzlei, Monday, September 02, 2013, 13:18

Interestingly enough when making the Portal 2 guide, I didn't have to sign any NDA at all. I could have spoiled everything months in advance with no repercussions. Of course I didn't ;-p It was twice as weird because several parts of the developer interviews were cut when stuff they didn't want out was talked about (such as the F-Stop mechanic), yet they seemed to be fine with me knowing all that.

While up there, maybe a month and a half before the game came out, these two attractive blonde female game journalists from Australia came up to preview the game. Of course, everybody at Valve attended to their every need because they were hot :-p The next day, the achievements leaked. I WONDER WHO DID THAT?

The dude who is so keen on leaking details of a game that he's already broke the NDA for it four years in-advance? Besides, you're being incredibly offensive assuming all blondes are treacherous creatures. :P

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