Are guided games working? (Destiny)
Every time I look at a guided games menu it seems like the wait for a seeking player would be exorbitantly long. I just tried one tonight and learned that the entire waiting period Has to be sat staring at your ship in orbit. It seems like I could really benefit from letting you do other things while you wait. Even if it was just being in the tower and patrol, it would at least feel less onerous. That’s a pretty tall ask for a wait time that’s estimated to be longer than 45 minutes (which seems to be the maximum It can display).
I’m somewhat surprised. The LFG sites back for destiny one seems to have a roughly balanced ecosystem but it seems like guided games are very lopsided based on these wait times that I see.
Is it because of the clan requirement? That seems like the most likely culprit to me based on no actual information. There were a few times when I thought I could use a guided game system to fill in a third person for the nightfall but the person I was playing with wasn’t in a clan with me. That seemed like a lost opportunity for everyone.
Has anyone had success as a seeker?
Are guided games working?
There are, apparently, dramatically more seekers than guides. Part of the issue is that guides usually have no trouble finding one extra player without resorting to guided games, and part of the issue is that there's really no vetting in guided games, so you can't tell if you're getting 5 competent seekers or 5 complete noobs or some weird mix, and you can't indicate what level of guidance you're willing to provide, which scares of many potential guides.
And then there's the sucky part of being a seeker, as you pointed out... You're stuck in orbit, seeking, until it matches you. Which is terrible. You're absolutely right that it should be a background seeking feature, and it should be far more robust in terms of showing people what your experience level is.
Are guided games working?
The group I usually raid with on the weekends with ImmortalVagabond is actually one I found from the only time I was a seeker in guided games. They are super cool guys, and incredibly patient. We've been raiding once or twice a week together for a few weeks now because of that guided games. But there is the downside in that I sat in orbit for about 48 minutes (just put netflix on my phone and watched something. And guided games seems to introduce a few other issues because of the lack of checkpoints. We ended up having to leave the guided games raid instance and redo two encounters one week because of a bug that you can only really deal with by leaving to orbit.
Though I've had friends say that they sit there for an hour and then had a terrible experience. I'd like to see a more WoW like system for guided games, where you can queue and then run around until it matches you and you get 30 seconds to accept or it rolls to the next person in line.