
Alternate Nightfall modifiers (Destiny)

by Durandal, Tuesday, October 31, 2017, 11:31 (2660 days ago)

So there seems to be a limited number of nightfall modifiers, and I was thinking it would be cool to have some more themed ones, to bring in some of the raid mechanics and help people get used to more complicated and challenging content, while still being a bit causal friendly.

Suggestions include:

VoG mode:

relic: a VoG relic appears and must be carried through the strike. R1 will use the relic to fill grenade/super/melee and health regen. R1+R2 when charged will fire a super blast. No regen outside of the relic.

CE mode:
health on melee hit, can get over shields this way. Swords do triple damage. Bosses have a shield independent of health and won't stomp when it's down.

WoTM mode:
Enemies will drop SIVA charges needed to damage the boss. periodically players must get to safe zones on the map when a SIVA purge happens.

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