
Is there a world of worlds? (Destiny)

by Durandal, Thursday, November 02, 2017, 10:59 (2657 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

To me it seems like the "skill" of the enemies seems limited because we're guardians. Against regular humans, I'm pretty sure they would crush us. Maybe they're all super deadly, but we're just that good.

I think it's more a limitation of AI for the mobs in game. Advancing while slowly firing their weapons just isn't impressive. Even then, the fact that most of them can be defeated by bullets, and humans are very good at shooting lots of bullets, still leaves them at a disadvantage.

I've often wondered about a sci fi universe that has most other life forms never develop long range weapons, given that those species don't have the hand eye coordination or hunting techniques that humans evolved. Instead every other race tries to close in and claw each other to death with various exotic melee weapons. Then humans come in shooting everything and it throws this massive monkey wrench into the galactic civilization. Too bad I never have time to write it up.

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