IWhat days work for people to Raid, Xbone? (Destiny)

by CougRon, Auburn, WA, USA, Wednesday, November 08, 2017, 14:01 (2651 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy

I'm on the west coast, unless I have something going on I'm available most days but I need to have times that give me time to finish work and fix a meal (it's important health wise I eat regularly. I'm not above eating while we are playing I just need time to fix or get something). Generally I go for times after 7pm PST but that can be awfully late for east-coasters and I don't always make it when I got some work thing going on. Even when I am on it seems like half the time not enough people shows or it's cancelled last minute or the fireteam is filled with somebody else who may or may not have signed up for the event even though I am online (and I never hide myself as offline so they should be able to see me). makes one not want to sign up sometimes because why bother. I admit I only join someone who sends me an invite. I like the fireteam builder so I'll keep trying as I can.

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