The Week at Bungie - 11/09/2017 (Destiny)

by CougRon, Auburn, WA, USA, Friday, November 10, 2017, 00:12 (2623 days ago)


  • first curse of Osiris demo stream next Wednesday
  • weekly reset time is moving to 9am PST
  • clarion call next week. Team up with clan mates for double xp in activities.
  • 4K coming to ps4 and xbox one x December 5th

The Week at Bungie - 11/09/2017

by DEEP_NNN, Friday, November 10, 2017, 05:51 (2623 days ago) @ CougRon

Maybe Bungie won't disappoint me over 4K after all. I noted perceptible improvements in Destiny 2 imagery on my Scorpio last night and only on a 1080p TV. I thought it might be my imagination but other friends are reporting the same. I'll be mounting my 4K soon.

Signs are looking good for the full 4K HDR version.


The Week at Bungie - 11/09/2017

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, November 10, 2017, 12:52 (2622 days ago) @ CougRon

[*] 4K coming to ps4 and xbox one x December 5th

I hope they do what HZD did, which was let you choose between 1080p with extra effects, or 4K.


No gameplay balance changes announced :(

by Kahzgul, Friday, November 10, 2017, 16:56 (2622 days ago) @ CougRon

- No text -

No gameplay balance changes announced :(

by FyreWulff, Friday, November 10, 2017, 17:40 (2622 days ago) @ Kahzgul

I have a feeling after the controversy over changes changing in between the internal communication and final build, I sort of suspect they'll probably say "changes are coming" and then we find out what they are the day of the patch.


No gameplay balance changes announced :(

by Kahzgul, Friday, November 10, 2017, 17:55 (2622 days ago) @ FyreWulff

I have a feeling after the controversy over changes changing in between the internal communication and final build, I sort of suspect they'll probably say "changes are coming" and then we find out what they are the day of the patch.

I'm just looking for them to say whether they're happy with the PvP gameplay right now. Because it favors scouts so much, it results in pretty un-fun games of very slow, team-shoot oriented play. Pulse grenade is far too strong. Hunter dodge is very weak compared to titan walls and warlock rifts. A lot of nuance of advanced gameplay from D1 is completely gone (mostly talking about advanced movement) and bad spawns often decide a game more than gunplay or lane control does. I like the changes to supremacy, but I want more communication from the pvp team.

Another thing that irks me is that they keep saying "MIDA isn't OP, there are other guns that are more effective that the community hasn't found yet." I hate that. If you have intended design in terms of loadouts or weaponry that the community hasn't found yet, then you didn't signpost them properly or they aren't working how you think they are. I guarantee every gun has been tried and tested for viability by top players at this point.

Lastly, some bugs with guns need to be fixed, the sub-machinegun that deals higher damage at extreme range than close up. It's not gamebreaking, but it is problematic.

Regardless, I would like to see someone talk about the state of pvp in the game. If bungie is happy with it, then I'll know I can give up on D2 pvp. If Bungie is addressing the issues that I see as problematic, then I'll keep trying the new patches.


We have 3 streams coming. A lot hasn’t yet been announced.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, November 10, 2017, 18:27 (2622 days ago) @ Kahzgul

I’d imagine that the announcement of the first big Crucible balance changes will come along with Season 2 and Curse of Osiris. And not with a random Weekly Update.


We have 3 streams coming. A lot hasn’t yet been announced.

by Kahzgul, Friday, November 10, 2017, 22:47 (2622 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I’d imagine that the announcement of the first big Crucible balance changes will come along with Season 2 and Curse of Osiris. And not with a random Weekly Update.

That does make sense. For my part, it's been long enough since I heard "MIDA is fine, other effective guns just haven't been discovered by the community" that I'm wondering what Bungie is now thinking. More communication is appreciated, especially regarding game situations which some people, myself included, believe need addressing.


We have 3 streams coming. A lot hasn’t yet been announced.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Saturday, November 11, 2017, 07:57 (2622 days ago) @ Kahzgul

I think what Bungie is saying is yes, the MIDA Multi-Tool is both popular and good, but according to their data, it is also fairly balanced and is not the best or most productive gun in any category. For instance, it is not a good gun for DPS, it (and all other kinetics) aren’t anywhere near as effective at dealing with shielded PvE enemies. If it has any home, it is exclusively in the Crucible.

But even there, I think the “problem” with the MIDA Multi-Tool is the same as it’s always been: Its sound is super distinctive making people far more aware that it was used against them, and it provides increased situational awareness. And so, it racks up a lot of Crucible kills, but not because it is impossible to deal with or overpowering. From my experience, it is good if I am on my game and getting headshots, but kinda sucks if I’m not or if I’m being bounce around with something like an auto rifle or SMG.

At the end of the day, that the Destiny community is up in arms about something doesn’t always really mean much. These are the same people saying things like “Destiny 2 sucks because I don’t have to put in weeks of fruitless, frustrating grinding to get an exact roll on a gun I want.” That probably even makes me a little biased to evaluating things that are said to be a problem vs things that actually are. So I guess there’s that, too...


We have 3 streams coming. A lot hasn’t yet been announced.

by Kahzgul, Saturday, November 11, 2017, 16:30 (2621 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I think what Bungie is saying is yes, the MIDA Multi-Tool is both popular and good, but according to their data, it is also fairly balanced and is not the best or most productive gun in any category. For instance, it is not a good gun for DPS, it (and all other kinetics) aren’t anywhere near as effective at dealing with shielded PvE enemies. If it has any home, it is exclusively in the Crucible.

100% agree. I'm only discussing pvp weapon balance in my posts here. PvE is totally fine to me, and lots of fun.

But even there, I think the “problem” with the MIDA Multi-Tool is the same as it’s always been: Its sound is super distinctive making people far more aware that it was used against them, and it provides increased situational awareness. And so, it racks up a lot of Crucible kills, but not because it is impossible to deal with or overpowering. From my experience, it is good if I am on my game and getting headshots, but kinda sucks if I’m not or if I’m being bounce around with something like an auto rifle or SMG.

Distinctive stapler sound or not, the MIDA is OP in two regards: It keeps your radar active, which is a HUGE benefit, and it makes you move more quickly. It is also strong enough that, coupled with those huge boosts, it essentially dictates the meta of the game. In a 1v1 no one is moving situation, the MIDA is easily outclassed. But in the actual game it is strong enough as to define the meta, the distance at which most engagements occur, and to limit maneuvering options as the radar remains active for its users. Honestly the gun is not what kills me most of the time (Hi, uriel's gift), but it provides such a solid foundation of gameplay that you simply have to approach the game as if everyone on the other team has one.

At the end of the day, that the Destiny community is up in arms about something doesn’t always really mean much.

Agreed. I'm only seeking communication because I feel like the current pvp meta is stale and boring. If Bungie is happy with it, then I can move on to another game. If Bungie wants to change it (and I hope they do), then I'm happy to stick around and test out their changes.

These are the same people saying things like “Destiny 2 sucks because I don’t have to put in weeks of fruitless, frustrating grinding to get an exact roll on a gun I want.” That probably even makes me a little biased to evaluating things that are said to be a problem vs things that actually are. So I guess there’s that, too...

People demanding a grind frustrate me. They should be demanding gameplay that is so fun you would do it even if there were no rewards at all. D1 pvp, with all of its problems, was nuanced in a way that D2 simply isn't. Advanced movement skills aren't a thing in D2. In almost every encounter, you know right away if this is a fight you can win or if you should duck out. The game is played more by breaking cover to fire a few shots, and then deciding whether to hide and regen shields or stay out and hope the other guy doesn't hide. Pushing into the enemy gets you killed, solo flanking often gets you killed, camping in the back keeps you alive. I dislike that gameplay loop because it leads to boring games of plink plink plink hide over and over until someone makes a mistake. And the map design also favors scout rifle ranges over the other weapons, and scouts favor plinko fighting as well.

Anyway, again, I'm just asking bungie to tell us if they agree that the pvp has problems, or if they are happy with it. That's kind of all I'm after right now.

Until I hear from them, I'll be playing Fortnite, which is FRIGGIN AWESOME.


We have 3 streams coming. A lot hasn’t yet been announced.

by ProbablyLast, Sunday, November 12, 2017, 00:44 (2621 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Hopefully the first stream is ‘lol jk, here’s the real Destiny 2’

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