THAB 11/16/17 (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Friday, November 17, 2017, 10:35 (2616 days ago) @ CougRon

My prediction? Season 2 will start one week before the first DLC goes live. It seems to me that a season is just the official term they decided to call the content/game rule changes they releasedperiodically with D1. It doesn’t necessarily always happen with a DLC release either; they’ve announced only two dlc’s so far but I believe they said there would be four seasons in D2’s first year.

I think a TWAB mentioned that the season rollover would be day and date with the DLC.

I'm guessing the schedule going forward will look like this.


Sept 6, release date, season 1 begins

Dec. 5th Curse of osiris, season 2 begins.

Feb. 7 Season 3 begins, with a small infusion of free content/ substantial systems upgrade similar to the april updates of the past, which introduced things like POE revamp/scoring. POssibly private matches/ PVP focussed, if not here, the next upgrade

May 9th/ June 6th - Rasputin DLC/ Season 4 begins.

September : Large scale TTK style DLC released

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